3- 47 Printing from WindowsTOPChapter 3Printing by ObjectiveChapter 4MaintenanceChapter 5Using the Printerin a NetworkEnvironmentChapter 6TroubleshootingChapter 7Operating theFunction MenuIndexContentsChapter 2Using Various MediaChapter 1Basic UseNotez Color Adjustment presents the following items for selection.Importantz As you change each item, the image of the Previewon the left changes to reflect the adjustment. TheOriginal shows the appearance of the initial settings,and the Preview reflects the current settings.z Even after the settings have been changed using theColor Adjustment sheet, if the Manual ColorSettings checkbox is not selected, the ColorAdjustment sheet settings will be disabled. If you donot want to adjust the colors, uncheck the checkbox.9 Click the OK button to close the ColorSettings dialog box. Color MatchingWhen you print an image captured with a scanner or adigital camera, sometimes the appearance of the printoutdoes not match what you see on the screen.This is because the colors displayed on-screen and theprinted colors are different. Using the Matching sheet inthe Color Settings dialog box, set the ICC (InternationalColor Consortium) or ICM (Image Color Management)color profile to matching mode, enter profile, or printerprofile to more closely match the colors displayed on-screen to the printer colors.1 Open the printer driver dialog box from thePrint dialog box of the application.Notez For more details about how to open the printer driverdialog box, please refer to “Printing” in Chapter 1“Basic Use”. (→P.1-38)Color Adjustment ContentCyan You can calibrate the hues for Cyan,Magenta, Yellow.MagentaYellowBrightnessAdjusts brightness from the darkestto brightest colors so none are lost inthe brightness of the printed image.Contrast Adjusts the relative contrast frombrightest to darkest colors.Saturation Adjusts the vividness of colors fromdull to extremely vivid.Gray ToneAdjustmentAdjusts grayscale from cool colors(blue tones) to warm colors (redtones).