6- 29 Unexpected Printing ResultsTOPChapter 3Printing by ObjectiveChapter 4MaintenanceChapter 5Using the Printerin a NetworkEnvironmentChapter 6TroubleshootingChapter 7Operating theFunction MenuIndexContentsChapter 2Using Various MediaChapter 1Basic UsePrint quality troublePrinting is faintCause 1: Printing on the wrong side of the sheet.Solution 1: Check the front and back side of the media. Ifyou print on the other side of the media, you willnot achieve the correct results in printing.Cause 2: If you frequently change the type of Bk ink, theBk ink may become patchy.Solution 1: Execute Head Cleaning B. (→ P.4-39)Cause 3: Printhead nozzles are jammed.Solution 1: Print a nozzle check pattern to confirm thecondition of the printhead. If a printhead nozzleis blocked, do the printhead cleaningprocedure. (→ P.4-37, P.4-39)Solution 2: If only yellow appears smeared, you may beable to correct this by selecting on the operationpanel Med. Detail Set.→Correct Smear→On.(→ P.1-21)Cause 4: A printout is in the output stacker.Solution 1: The capacity of the output stacker is limited toone printout. Start the next print job only afteryou have removed the previous printout fromthe output stacker.Cause 5: The ink port needle is stuck and the ink hasclogged.Solution 1: Leave the printer with the ink tanks installed formore than 24 hours and then execute HeadCleaning B. (→ P.4-39)Cause 6: A piece of jammed sheet remains under the topcover.Solution 1: Follow the procedure below to remove paperscraps from under the top cover.1. Press the Online button to display Offline.2. Press and hold [] for at least 1 sec. tomove the carriage to the center.3. Open the top cover.4. Remove all the paper scraps under the topcover.Cause 7: The ink was not dry enough for cutting duringborderless printing.Solution 1: Use the operation panel to lengthen the settingsfor Drying_Time in the Med.Detail Set..Cause 8: You may be using the wrong type of black inktank.Solution 1: Use a new black ink tank, and then perform theChangeBkInkType procedure again.(→ P.4-48)