1- 40 PrintingTOPChapter 3Printing by ObjectiveChapter 4MaintenanceChapter 5Using the Printerin a NetworkEnvironmentChapter 6TroubleshootingChapter 7Operating theFunction MenuIndexContentsChapter 2Using Various MediaChapter 1Basic UsePrinting from a MacintoshTo print a job from a Macintosh software application, firstselect the printer then use the Print command in the Filemenu.Importantz Before you start a print job on the computer, close anysoftware applications running in the background.Another program running in the background couldbreak the flow of print data and temporarily stop theprinter or cause poor print quality.Notez For more details about how to use the printer driver,please refer to the online Help of the printer driver. Selecting a Printerz For Mac OS 8.6/9.xIf you are using Mac OS 8.6 or Mac OS 9.x, select theprinter with the Chooser. This printer will not bedisplayed in the list if it is not switched on, or if the printercable is disconnected. Start the print job after youconfirm that the printer is in working order.Notez You may not be able to share the printer with a USBconnection. In this case, connect the printer directly tothe computer through the USB or IEEE1394 port(optional). If you want to share the printer, print from aWindows computer.1 From the Apple menu, select Chooser.2 Click the GARO Printer Driver icon from thelist on the left, select the connection methodfrom the Destination field, then select thename of the printer from the list on the right.Select the appropriate setting for the outputdestination: USB for a USB connection, FireWire fora IEEE1394 connection, or AppleTalk, IP Print or IPPrint (Auto) for a network connection.