4- 21 Replacing the PrintheadTOPChapter 3Printing by ObjectiveChapter 4MaintenanceChapter 5Using the Printerin a NetworkEnvironmentChapter 6TroubleshootingChapter 7Operating theFunction MenuIndexContentsChapter 2Using Various MediaChapter 1Basic UseReplacing the PrintheadReplace the printhead if running Head Cleaning B twicedoes not restore acceptable print quality, or if a customerservice center instructs you to replace the printhead. Youcan easily stain your hands during printhead replacement,so wear the plastic gloves provided in the box with the newprinthead.z Printhead BC-1350Notez If the ink level is low, procure a new ink tank forreplacement as soon as possible.Printhead Handling PrecautionsAlways follow these precautions when handling theprinthead.Cautionz Always store the printhead in a safe location where it isout of the reach of small children. If a child licks oringests ink accidentally, seek medical assistanceimmediately.z Never touch the printhead immediately after printinghas stopped. The printhead becomes extremely hotduring printing and can cause minor burns.Importantz Try to avoid dropping or shaking the printhead. Spilledink can stain the surrounding area.z The ink supply port of a removed printhead may becovered with ink. Always handle the printheadcarefully. The ink could spill on your clothing and makestains that cannot be removed.z Never break the seal on the printhead package untilimmediately before you install the printhead. Alwayshandle the printhead carefully after breaking the seal.If the printhead is stored after the seal has beenbroken, the nozzles may dry out and lead to poor printquality.z If you need to store a printhead temporarily, place itwith the nozzles (a) and electrical contacts (b) facingdown. Damage to the nozzles or electrical contactscan lead to poor print quality.z Never attempt to disassemble or alter a printhead.Doing so may damage the printer.z Never touch the nozzles or the electrical contacts onthe printhead. Doing so may cause printing problems.ab