5- 25 Macintosh Network SettingsトップChapter 3Printing by ObjectiveChapter 4MaintenanceChapter 5Using the Printerin a NetworkEnvironmentChapter 6TroubleshootingChapter 7Operating theFunction MenuIndexTOPContentsChapter 2Using Various MediaChapter 1Basic UseConfiguring the AppleTalk ProtocolThe AppleTalk protocol is disabled in the factory defaultprinter settings. To connect to the printer using AppleTalk,the AppleTalk protocol needs to be enabled on the printer.The printer protocol settings can be configured using theoperation panel or a web browser (Remote UI).z Remote UI (→ P.5-25)The AppleTalk settings can be configured using a webbrowser from a Macintosh computer on which TCP/IPhas already been setup. To configure the settings, setthe printer IP address using the operation panel, andthen configure the protocol settings using a web browser.(→ P.5-25)z Printer Operation Panel (→ P.5-30)You can configure the AppleTalk settings using theprinter operation panel.Importantz Before configuring the AppleTalk settings, verify thatthe printer is switched on and connected to thenetwork. Setting the Protocol Using a Web Browser(Remote UI)Importantz You can use Netscape Navigator/Communicator 6.0 orlater, or Internet Explorer 5.01 or later for the webbrowser. The Macintosh Safari web browser is notsupported.z You cannot connect to the printer via a proxy server. Inan environment that uses a proxy server, add theprinter IP address to Exceptions (addresses that donot use a proxy) in the web browser proxy serversettings. (These settings vary depending on thenetwork environment.)z Enable JavaScript and Cookies in the web browser.z If multiple remote UIs are run at the same time, the lastsetting made will be used. It is recommended that youonly start Remote UI once.Notez When Remote UI is started using the printer name,make sure that the DNS settings for the DNSenvironment and board have been set up correctly.z If you are using the Zeroconf function to connect to theprinter on a system using Mac OS X Ver. 10.2.5 orlater, you can use the following procedure to startRemote UI.1. Open the Printer Setup Utility.2. Select the name of this printer from the print listand click the Add button.