5- 21 Macintosh Network SettingsトップChapter 3Printing by ObjectiveChapter 4MaintenanceChapter 5Using the Printerin a NetworkEnvironmentChapter 6TroubleshootingChapter 7Operating theFunction MenuIndexTOPContentsChapter 2Using Various MediaChapter 1Basic Usez If you are using Mac OS X v10.1, the printer can beused over the “Canon IP (GARO)” network. Canon IP(GARO) uses the TCP/IP protocol. If the TCP/IPsettings have been enabled on the Macintoshcomputer and printer, save the printer IP address tomake the printer available.z If you are using Mac OS X v10.2.5 or later, theZeroconf function can be used. The Zeroconf functionuses the TCP/IP protocol. If the TCP/IP settings havebeen enabled on the Macintosh computer, the printercan be used simply by connecting it to the LAN.“Zeroconf” is an abbreviation for “Zero Configuration”,and settings such as IP address and DNS servicename are not required.Configuring a Macintosh Setting the AppleTalk Network Functionsz For Mac OS 8.6/9.xUse Chooser and the AppleTalk item in Control Panelto confirm the Macintosh network settings.1 Confirm that AppleTalk can be used.From the Apple menu select Chooser.Confirm that Active is selected for AppleTalk.If Inactive is selected, select Active.