1- 37 Printer DriverTOPChapter 3Printing by ObjectiveChapter 4MaintenanceChapter 5Using the Printerin a NetworkEnvironmentChapter 6TroubleshootingChapter 7Operating theFunction MenuIndexContentsChapter 2Using Various MediaChapter 1Basic UseLayout SheetThe Layout sheet provides the following settings.Maintenance SheetThe Maintenance sheet provides the following settings.Page LayoutThis feature allows you to print multiplepages onto a single sheet or enlarge asingle page and print it over severalsheets (poster printing).WatermarkOverlays a watermark on the printedimage. You can freely configure the text,border, angle, position and transparencysettings of a watermark and register thewatermark under an arbitrary name.Print CenteredWhen the image to be printed is smallerthan the sheet, you can print the imagecentered so the margins are even.Rotate 180 degrees This feature rotates the image 180 degrees.No Spaces atTop or Bottom(ConservePaper)When the image to be printed is smaller thanthe media, you can set the printer it does notfeed and there is no margin at the top orbottom. This conserves roll paper.Copies Specifies the number of copies to print.SpecialSettings...If the print results are not what you expect, youcan change how the print job is processed.UtilityOpen the Status Monitor and display theUtility sheet. This is used to print thenozzle check pattern, perform printheadcleaning, adjust the printhead position,and adjust the feed amount.For status prints, refer to theInformation tab in the status monitor.Update InkInformationSets the type of black ink. Click the InkInformation button to automatically setthis setting to the black ink currentlyloaded in the printer.