171Available commands are listed below.S Set the IP address of the TFTP server that executes upload/download of the configuration file.Press "S." The command prompt changes to "Enter IP address of TFTP server>." Enter the IPaddress of the TFTP server.F Set the name of the configuration file to be uploaded/downloaded.Press "F." The command prompt changes to "Enter file name>." Specify the file name of thedownloaded program in 39 half-width characters or less.U Start the upload of the configuration file.Press "U." The command prompt changes to "Upload file(Y/N)>." Confirm whether or notyou wish to start the process. Confirm that all settings are correct. Press "Y" to start the pro-cess. If you have find an error in settings, press "N" to return to the original status.D Start the download of the configuration file.Press "D." The command prompt changes to "Download file(Y/N)>." Confirm whether ornot you wish to start the process. Confirm that all settings are correct. Press "Y" to start theprocess. If you have find an error in settings, press "N" to return to the original status.Q Return to the parent menu.