107Available commands are listed below.E Configure ON/OFF of Spanning Tree Protocol.Press "E." The command prompt changes to "Enable or Disable STP (E/D)>." Enter "E" if youwish to use or "D" if you don't wish to use.V Configure the operation mode of Spanning Tree Protocol.Press "V." The command prompt changes to "Set RSTP protocol version (S/R)>." Enter "S" ifyou wish to operate with IEEE802.1D Spanning Tree or "R" to operate with IEEE802.1wRapid Spanning Tree.P Configure the bridge priority.Press "P." The command prompt changes to "Enter bridge priority>." Enter a value within therange specified in the black band at the bottom of the screen.H Configure the bridge hello time.Press "H." The command prompt changes to "Enter bridge hello time>." Enter a value withinthe range specified in the black band at the bottom of the screen.M Configure the bridge maximum age.Press "M." The command prompt changes to "Enter bridge maximum age>." Enter a valuewithin the range specified in the black band at the bottom of the screen.F Configure the bridge forward delay.Press "F." The command prompt changes to "Enter bridge forward delay>." Enter a valuewithin the range specified in the black band at the bottom of the screen.B Configure the basic settings by port.Press "B" to change to the "Basic Port Configuration" screen and configure the basic settingsby port. For the configuration method, refer to the next section (4.6.4.a).A Configure the advanced settings by port.Press "A" to change to the "Advanced Port Configuration" screen and configure theadvanced settings by port. For the configuration method, refer to the next section (4.6.4.b).I Display topology information by port.Press "I" to change to the "Designated Topology Information" screen and refer to topologyinformation by port. For details, refer to the next section (4.6.4.c).Q Return to the parent menu.Note: All values of "Bridge Hello Time", "Bridge Maximum Age", and "Bridge ForwardDelay" are related to each other. If you change one parameter, it automati-cally affects the setting range for other parameters. The setting range will bedisplayed in the black band at the bottom of the screen.