3-30 BOP HIPWR 1113153.3.9.4 WAVEFORM SPECIFICATIONSRefer to Table 1-2 for specifications applicable to waveforms created either locally, using theBOP front panel (Local) or remotely from a host computer, using LIST commands (Remote). Dif-ferences between local and remote operation are highlighted. VIEWING STORED WAVEFORMSAfter observing the precautions of PAR., press @ from the power-up screen to accessthe Saved Waveforms screen (Figure 3-9). Use Y or U or the encoder to highlight the name ofa previously saved waveform, then press ! to view the Waveform Settings screen (see Figure3-10). The lower half of the LCD shows a representation of the programmed waveform. The let-ters along the vertical axis of the graph at the lower left side indicate whether the waveform isprogrammed to operate in voltage or current mode. The message at the upper right indicatesthe actual mode of the power supply while the waveform is being executed. The upper half pres-ents the waveform name, positive and negative protection settings, the repetition count, fol-lowed by a listing of segments. The type (square, sine, etc.), frequency, p-p amplitude, andwhether the segment is initial (run only the first time) or repeating is indicated by I or R, respec-tively. To see the offset, start/stop angle, initial/repeat for a segment, use Y or U or theencoder to highlight the segment, then press ! (Initial/Repeat is not available for the last seg-ment, since the last segment must repeat). Use use Y or U to highlight the parameter, press!, then set the value or highlight the desired setting and press $ to save for power-up or %to abort and exit without changing the parameter.FIGURE 3-10. WAVEFORM SETTINGS MENU3.3.9.6 EXECUTING A WAVEFORMAfter observing the precautions of PAR., press @ from the power-up screen to enterthe Saved Waveforms screen (Figure 3-9). Highlight one of the stored waveforms, then press!. If the unit is in Standby, press the STANDBY key to turn the output on, then press $ toexecute the waveform.To stop execution, press %. This stops waveform execution. The unit will stop the waveformand leave the BOP in one of three states. Standby - the output will be off (STANDBY indicatoron). At the current point of the wave form. The BOP output will be at some random point in theVOLTAGESOURCE