B-4 BOP-1K 111315B.6 INITiate:CONTinuous COMMAND INIT:CONTSyntax: Short Form: INIT:CONT {ON | OFF} or {1 | 0} (1 = on, 0 = off)Long Form: INITiate:CONTinuous {ON | OFF} or {1 | 0} (1 = on, 0 = off)Description: INIT:CONT ON enables continuous triggers.; INIT:CONT OFF disables continuous triggers. IfINIT:CONT is OFF, then INIT[:IMM] arms the trigger system for a single trigger. If INIT:CONT is ON,then the trigger system is continuously armed and INIT[:IMM] is redundant. While INIT:CONT is ON,WTG (bit 5 of the Operation Status Condition register (See Table B-3) is always 1 if the TRIG:SOUR isBUS. If TRIG:SOUR is set to EXT, WTG is reset to 0 when the trigger is generated, then set to 1 auto-matically by the unit. Unlike the BUS trigger source, the transitions in WTG status can be captured bysetting WTG (bit 5) in the Status Operation Enabled Register to cause the WTG bit to be set in the Sta-tus Operation Event register. (See example, Figure B-1.) Executing *RST sets the init:cont state to 0or off and clears the WTG bit in the STATUS OPERATION REGISTER.B.7 INITiate:CONTinuous QUERY INIT:CONT?Syntax: Short Form: INIT:CONT? Long Form: INITiate:CONTinuous?Return Value: 1 or 0Description: Determines whether continuous triggers are enabled or disabled. Power supply returns value ofINIT:CONT flag: “1” = continuous triggers are enabled (INIT:CONT ON); “0” = continuous triggers dis-abled (INIT:CONT OFF). (See example, Figure B-1.)B.8 MEASure[:SCALar]:CURRent[:DC]? QUERY MEAS:CURR?Syntax: Short Form: MEAS[:SCAL]:CURR[:DC]?Long Form: MEASure[:SCALar]:CURRent[:DC]?Return Value: (digits with decimal point and Exponent)Description: Measures actual current. This query returns the actual value of output current as determined by theprogrammed value of voltage and current and load conditions. (See example, Figure B-1.)B.9 MEASure[:SCALar]:MODE[:DC] COMMAND MEAS:MODESyntax: Short Form: MEAS[:SCAL]:MODE[:DC] Long Form: MEASure[:SCALar]:MODE[:DC] Description: Determines measurement sampling rate. Value of 50, 60, or 125 and represents the sampling rate(Hz) for measurements (MEAS:VOLT? and MEAS:CURR?). The meters LCD display normally uses a60 Hertz sample rate, creating a sample of 1 cycle in length or 16.6 mS. The 50 Hz sample rate (20mS sample) is used to display the slower graphic selections on the meter display, The 125 Hz samplerate (10 mS sample) is used for the three fastest graphic display selections.B.10 MEASure[:SCALar]:VOLTage[:DC]? QUERY MEAS:VOLT?Syntax: Short Form: MEAS[:SCAL]:VOLT[:DC]?Long Form: MEASure[:SCALar]:VOLTage[:DC]?Return Value: (digits with decimal point and Exponent)Description: Measures actual voltage. This query returns the actual value of output voltage (measured at thesense terminals) as determined by the programmed value of voltage and current and load conditions.(See example, Figure B-1.)B.11 MEASure[:SCALar]:TRANsient[:DC]? QUERY MEAS:TRAN?Syntax: Short Form: MEAS[:SCAL]:TRAN[:DC]? Long Form: MEASure[:SCALar]:TRANsient[:DC]?Returns ,, . . . Description: Returns measured sample. Value returned represents either current or voltage depending on previ-ous LIST. Up to eight comma-separated values may be returned. (See Figures B-2 and B-3.)