BOP HIPWR 111315 3- CHANGING MAXIMUM ACCEPTED VOLTAGE OR CURRENT (MAIN CHANNEL SOFT-WARE LIMITS)The software limits for the main channels (+Voltage Max, –Voltage Min, +Current Max and–Current Min) are the maximum (positive) and minimum (Maximum negative) values allow-able for voltage and current. The default software limits are determined by the model: the nom-inal (rated) values for voltage and current (e.g., 36V and 28A for the BOP 36-28MG). These fourvalues can be adjusted independently. For example, a BOP 36-28MG, capable of delivering±36V in voltage mode can be configured to allow voltage to be adjusted only from –1V to+15V by setting –Voltage Min to –1 and +Voltage Max to +15. Similarly, a BOP 36-28MG,TABLE 3-5. MAX/MIN SETTINGS MENUSETTING CHOICES(BOLD = Factory Default) FUNCTIONProtect Entry BIPOLARINDEPENDENTBIPOLAR - Causes a single protection limit value (one for voltage, one for cur-rent) to apply to both ± limits. Only one value is displayed and edited from thefront panel. (see PAR. - Allows + and – protection limits to be set independently. fromthe front panel (see PAR. for considerations when using remote mode).VOLTAGE MODE+Voltage Max (value)+EomaxDefines the maximum voltage level that can be set in voltage mode. Default =Rated +Output voltage (e.g., for BOP 36-28MG, Eomax = 36). To modify, seePAR.–Voltage Min (value)–EomaxDefines the minimum (maximum negative) voltage level that can be set in volt-age mode. Default = Rated –Output voltage (e.g., for BOP 36-28MG, Eomax =36). To modify, see PAR. Protect Max (value) model specificup to Iomax + 1% of IomaxDefines the maximum value for +Current Protect. To modify refer to Protect Min (internal value)Not AdjustableDefines the minimum value that +Current Protect can be set to. This is a calcu-lated value and is not adjustable from the front panel.–C Protect Max (internal value)Not AdjustableDefines the maximum (minimum negative) value that –Current Protect can beset to. This is a calculated value and is not adjustable from the front panel.–C Protect Min (value) model specificup to Iomax + 1% of IomaxDefines the minimum (maximum negative) value for –Current Protect. To modifyrefer to MODE+Current Max (value)+IomaxDefines the maximum current level that can be set in current mode. Default =Rated +Output current (e.g., for BOP 36-28MG, Iomax = 28). To modify, seePAR.–Current Min (value)–IomaxDefines the minimum (maximum negative) current level that can be set in currentmode. Default = Rated –Output current (e.g., for BOP 36-28MG, Iomax = 28). Tomodify, see PAR. Protect Max (value)Eomax +1% of EomaxDefines the maximum value that +Voltage Protect can be set to. To modify referto Protect Min (internal value)Not AdjustableDefines the minimum value that +Voltage Protect can be set to. This is a calcu-lated value and is not adjustable from the front panel.–V Protect Max (internal value)Not AdjustableDefines the maximum (minimum negative) value that –Voltage Protect can beset to. This is a calculated value and is not adjustable from the front panel.–V Protect Min (value)Eomax + 1% of EomaxDefines the minimum (maximum negative) value for –Voltage Protect. To modifyrefer to To restore all Max/Min settings defaults, press % from the power-up screen, highlight Max/Min settings, press !, thenpress @ to restore defaults shown above in BOLD. Press $ to save for power-up or % to apply the changes (withoutsaving for power-up) and exit.