BOP HIPWR 111315 3-15FIGURE 3-6. GENERAL SETUP MENUFIGURE 3-7. MAX/MIN SETTINGS MENUSelection of Bipolar does not immediately change the protect limit values; it changes how theprotect settings are displayed and set from the power-up screen. So if maximum/minimum pro-tection limits were set to different values, (e.g, for BOP 36-28MG, current mode, no load, +VProtect Max = 25V and –V Protect Min = 7V) when BIPOLAR is selected, the previous protec-tion values (+25, –7) will remain in place until a new value is entered in the Voltage Protectionfield. When a new Voltage Protect setting, e.g., 22V, is entered with BIPOLAR mode selected,+Voltage Protect is set to +22V and -Voltage Protect to –22V.NOTE: The use of remote programming (via RS 232 or GPIB) automatically asserts Indepen-dent protection limits. Once the unit is returned to local mode, the unit is automaticallyreturned to BIPOLAR mode.VOLTAGESOURCEVOLTAGE CURRENT0.0000 0.0000VOLTAGESOURCEVOLTAGE CURRENT0.0000 0.0000