BOP HIPWR 111315 3-593.6.3.5 MEASURE SUBSYSTEMThis query subsystem returns the voltage and current measured at the power supply's outputterminals. OUTPUT SUBSYSTEMThis subsystem controls the power supply's voltage and current outputs3.6.3.7 MEMORY SUBSYSTEMThis subsystem controls the Flash Memory used by the BOP microprocessors and is used forstoring setup parameters and for storing a list for later recall and executionThe unit’s configuration, voltage and current, saved setups (*SAV and *RCL command) and Cal-ibration values are stored in Flash Memory. Since the Flash EEPROM cannot be modified bywriting a single data byte, the block must be erased and then the data written into the correctlocations.Saved setups are accomplished by the 99 memory locations (groups of settings) which arestored in the nonvolatile memory. Each setting contains values for: Mode, main channel setting(voltage or current), Reference setting, positive and negative protect values, External Protectsetting (see Table 3-17), and the keypad state (locked/unlocked. If the keypad is locked(SYST:KEYB DISable), the *SAV command creates a protected setting that can not be alteredfrom the front panel.The BOP accomplishes this by partitioning the Flash memory. As the amount of Flash memoryused becomes larger with each subsequent data update, the Flash memory fills up and needsto be compressed. The compression of the Flash EEPROM, called packing, is automaticallyhandled by the BOP microprocessor's code. The packing process can take a half a Second toaccomplish Because it is automatically executed, it can occur after any *SAV or save of Calibra-tion. When the memory is out of space, the internal microprocessor moves the any data in thefirst page to the end of the flash array and then erases the first flash page. The pack processcan take 500 mS to complete. Packing is automatically invoked during power up initialization ifthe BOP finds that any storage area is over 90% utilized.The following statistics are a guide as to when a MEMORY PACK will occur.• Save area - Approximately 300 *SAV operations can be completed before a PACK willoccur automatically.• Variable area - around 3000 updates can be completed prior to an automatic PACKoccurring. Variable areas also include serial number updates and password updates.• Calibration - 64 calibrations can be saved before a PACK is required. STATUS SUBSYSTEMThis subsystem programs the power supply status register. The power supply has two groups ofstatus registers: Operation and Questionable. Each group consists of three registers: Condition,Enable, and Event. TRIGGER SUBSYSTEMThis subsystem controls the remote triggering of the power supply.