2-6 BOP HIPWR 1113152.3 PRELIMINARY OPERATIONAL CHECKA simple operational check after unpacking and before equipment installation is advisable toascertain whether the power supply has suffered damage resulting from shipping.Refer to Figures 2-1 and 3-1 for location of operating controls and electrical connections. Tables3-1 and 3-2 explain the functions of operating controls/indicators and keypad keys, respectively.Refer to PAR. 3.2 for a description of basic operating techniques.1. With POWER switch set to off position, connect the power supply to source power (see PAR.2.5.2).TABLE 2-10. ANALOG I/O PORT INPUT/OUTPUT PIN ASSIGNMENTSCONNECTOR PIN SIGNAL NAME FUNCTIONANALOG I/OPORTA2A5J6CAUTION: it is recommended that source power of external equipment connected to the AnalogPort be applied through an isolating transformer To avoid ground loops or possibledamage to the BOP due to incorrect equipment a-c wiring (e.g., defeating of groundconnection).1 NC2 VM-/CMExternal input signal, TTL logic referenced to pin 9, controls the modeof operation when using external reference (goes to the digital boardthat changes VM-/CM signal). Logic 0 (or pin grounded) = currentmode, logic 1 (or pin not connected, the default) = voltage mode (seePAR. 3.4.2).3 IOUT_DMMOutput analog signal through 2K ohm resistor referenced to pin 4 formonitoring overall output current, 0V to ± 10V corresponds to zero to ±full scale current.4 SGND Signal Ground used for IOUT_DMM (pin 3) return.5 – I_LIM_EXTAnalog input signal referenced to pin 12, 0V to +10V sets the negativecurrent limit between zero and –I Omax, +10V corresponds to ratedmaximum current (e.g., for BOP 36-28MG +10V sets negative currentlimit to –28A) (see PAR. 3.4.4). Open = disabled (see NOTE 1).6 – V_LIM_EXTAnalog input signal, 0V to +10V, sets the negative voltage limitbetween zero and –E Omax, +10V corresponds to rated maximum volt-age (e.g., for BOP 36-28MG +10V sets negative voltage limit to –36V).Open = disabled. (See PAR. 3.4.4.) Open = disabled (see NOTE 1).7 NC8 NC9 GND Ground - Used for VM-/CM (pin 2) return10 SGND Signal Ground (used for EXT_REF (pin 11) return11 EXT_REFExternal analog reference signal referenced to pin 10, used for bothvoltage mode and current mode, 0V to ±10V corresponds to zero to ±rated nominal (full scale), voltage or current (see PAR. 3.4.3).12 GND1 Ground (Used for pin 5, 6, 13 and 14 return)13 +I_LIM_EXTAnalog input signal referenced to pin 12, 0V to +10V sets the positivecurrent limit between zero and I Omax ; +10V corresponds to rated maxi-mum current (e.g., for BOP 36-28MG +10V sets positive current limit to+28A) (see PAR. 3.4.4). Open = disabled (see NOTE 1).14 +V_LIM_EXTAnalog input signal, 0V to +10V sets the positive voltage limit betweenzero and E Omax , +10V corresponds to rated maximum voltage (e.g.,for BOP 36-28MG +10V sets positive current limit to +36V. Open = dis-abled. (See PAR. 3.4.4.) (see NOTE 1).15 NCNOTE 1. When disabled, the external limit channels are automatically set 20% higher than BOP nominal references.