BOP-1K 111315 B-37B.149 TRIGger:SOURce? QUERY TRIG:SOUR?Syntax: Short Form: TRIG:SOUR? Long Form: TRIGger:SOURce?Returns: BUS, IMMEDIATE or EXTERNALDescription: Identifies whether internal, immediate or external trigger is activated.TABLE B-5. ERROR MESSAGESERROR MESSAGE ESR ERROR BIT SET(SEE PAR. A.5) EXPLANATION0,“No error” None No error1,”Interprocessor communications error” Device Error bit 3 (1) Interprocessor communications error2,”Configuration error” Device Error bit 3 (1) Configuration error10,”Program Error” Device Error bit 3 (1) Program error1xx01,”A3 Output Temperature Error”1xx02,”A2 Output Temperature Error”1xx03,”Output Overcurrent”1xx04,”Output Overvoltage”1xx05,” A2 Instant Overcurrent”1xx06,”A2 (+)15V BUS Missing”1xx07,”A3 Overcurrent”1xx08,”A4 Module Temperature Error”1xx09,”A4 Output Voltage Error”1xx10,”A4 Input Section Error”1xx11,”A2 Input Over Current Error “1xx12,”A4 (–)15VS Missing”Device Error bit 3 (1) Indicates the power supply or one of the connected powersupplies has detected an error. These errors are an indica-tion of a hardware problem in either the BOP or the BOPsystem consisting of a master and up to four slave BOPs tocreate additional current or voltage. The last two digits of theerror code indicate the type of error and its source; xx indi-cates the position of the unit on the BITBUS:xx = 1: Device 1 (Master)xx = 2: Device 1 (Slave 1)xx = 3: Device 1 (Slave 2)xx = 4: Device 1 (Slave 3)xx = 5: Device 1 (Slave 4)2yy01,”OVER TEMPERATURE”2yy02,”CROWBAR ACTIVE”2yy03,”DEVICE TURNED OFF”2yy04,\”CURRENT FAULT”2yy05,”POWER LOSS”2yy06,”VOLTAGE FAULT”2yy07,”RELAY OPEN”,2yy08,”POLARITY ERROR”2yy09,”OVERLOAD”Device Error bit 3 (1) Indicates a hardware problem has been detected in eitherthe BOP power supply or an auxiliary power supply, such asKepco’s MST, MAT, MBT or low power (under 1KW) BOP,connected to the BITBUS. The last two digits of the errorcode indicate the type of error detected,; yy indicates theposition of the unit on the BITBUSyy = 2: Device 2 through yy = 15: Device 15-100,“Command error” Command Error bit 5 Command and data understood, but more informationincluded which is not recognized.-120,”Numeric data error” Command Error bit 5 Expected number but other characters were detected-203,”Command Protected” Execution error bit 4 Password must be CENAbled-221,”Settings Conflict” Execution error bit 4 Calibration state not enabled but CALibrate commandreceived-222,“Current, Voltage or Data out ofrange” Execution error bit 4 Value (current or voltage) exceeds power supply rating or(data) exceeds acceptable command parameters-223,“Too Much Data” Execution error bit 4 During a LIST command, the list became full, preventing allthe data from being added to the list-226,“Lists not same length” Execution error bit 4 During a LIST command, number of DWEL list entries wasnot equal to 1 and did not match number of LIST:VOLT orLIST:CURR entries.-240,“Hardware error” Execution error bit 4 Power supply did not respond to command.-242,”Voltage comparison error” Execution error bit 4 Issued during Voltage calibration (Volt [zero, max, min], volt-age external protect, Voltage in series) indicating the mea-surements are incorrect.(1) The Device error bit may be set when the status monitoring functions of the power supply detect an overvoltage/under-voltage condition.