3-12 BOP HIPWR 1113153.3.1.2 LOCAL PASSWORD PROTECTION AT POWER-UPIt is possible to require a password before the front panel controls can function when the unit ispowered up. From the power-up screen, press %, highlight password, then !. Enter Admin 2password (see PAR. and press ! to verify. Under Menu Protection, highlight Keypad@ Pwr-up and press F1. Highlight on of three password settings and press $ to save. Thenpress $ to save for power-up (or % to exit without applying the changes). When the unit isnext powered up, pressing any keypad key or rotating the ADJUST control requires entry of thepassword selected above before continuing. NOTE: The # key can still be used to adjust dis-play contrast before entering the password.3.3.2 SETTING VOLTAGE OR CURRENT MODEThe BOP uses two separate channels, one to set output voltage or current and one to set thecorresponding protection limit. The main channel is determined by the MODE key (in localmode) which alternately selects either Voltage mode or Current mode or by SCPI command (indigital remote mode). The protection channel is determined automatically by the main channelselected. When Voltage mode is selected, the current protection channel is active, and whenCurrent mode is selected, the Voltage protection channel is active. Table 3-4 defines the voltageand current parameters used in this manual.3.3.3 PROGRAMMING VOLTAGE OR CURRENT AND ASSOCIATED PROTECT LIMITSFrom the power-up screen the settable voltage/current parameters are displayed at the bottomof the LCD above the HELP message (see Figure 3-3). Use Y or U to highlight the main orprotect channel. (For BOP protect limits refer to PAR. and for external limits see PAR. To verify that the unit is configured for internal references press $ from the power-upscreen and verify that Reference Input and Protection Limit are set to Internal, and ExternalMode is set to Disable. If necessary to change a setting, use Y or U to highlight theparameter, and press ! to modify. Highlight the desired selection and press $ to save,then press $ to save for power-up or % to exit. If analog programming is desired, refer toPAR. 3.4.2. Verify that the load has been configured properly to ensure that the unit behaves asexpected when the output is off (see PAR. 3.3.6 for details).3. Press MODE key to select the main channel (VOLTAGE or CURRENT); the associatedPROTECT channel is automatically selected and displayed.4. Set the output on or off as desired using the STANDBY key. The output is off (disabled)when the STANDBY indicator is lit, on (enabled) when not lit.5. Use Y or U to highlight the main channel. There are two ways to program the output inlocal mode. These methods can be used either when the output is disabled (STANDBY indi-cator lit) or enabled.:CAUTION: When the ADJUST control is rotated, the active parameter is immediatelyeffective if the output is enabled (on = STANDBY indicator not lit). The volt-age/current applied to the load changes as the ADJUST control is rotated.