BOP-1K 111315 4-15(A2A5J6), Press @ - GAIN, @ - POSITIVE. Measure the current by reading the voltageacross the sense resistor. Adjust as needed until the DVM reads as close to zero as possiblewithin the limits specified in Table 4-4 for CURRENT ZERO. Press % twice.26.Press # - EXTERNAL, @ - POSITiVE. Measure the current by reading the voltage acrossthe sense resistor. Adjust as needed until the DVM reads as close as possible above thenominal full scale value within tolerance specified in Table 4-4 for +FULL SCALE CURRENT.Press % three times.27.Connect the DVM to pin 6 (IOUT_M_UNIT) referenced to pin 1 (SGND) of the PAR/SERCONTROL IN connector (A2A5J3). Press # - EXTRL CONTROLS, ! - Iout, and ! -ZERO to set the BOP output current to zero. Adjust as needed until DVM reads 0V ±1mVd-c. Press % once.28.Press @ - POSITIVE. With DVM still connected to pin 6 (IOUT_M_UNIT) referenced to pin1 (SGND) of the PAR/SER CONTROL IN connector, adjust as needed until DVM reads +10V±1mV d-c. Press % twice.29.Connect a 0V ±0.1mV reference to pin 3 (S_IN_PARALLEL) referenced to pin 1 (SGND) ofthe PAR/SER CONTROL IN connector (A2A5J3). Press # - PARALLEL, and ! - ZERO toset the BOP output current to zero. Connect DVM across the sensing resistor. Adjust asneeded until DVM reads as close to zero as possible within tolerance specified in Table 4-4for CURRENT ZERO. Press % once.NOTE: Accuracy of the +10V d-c reference must be ±0.1mV d-c in order for the calibrated unitto meet published specifications.30.Connect a +10.0V ±0.1mV d-c reference to pin 3 (S_IN_PARALLEL) of the PAR/SER CON-TROL IN connector (A2A5J3). Press @ - POSITIVE to set the BOP to maximum output cur-rent. Adjust as needed until DVM reads as close as possible above the nominal full scalevalue within tolerance specified in Table 4-4 for +FULL SCALE CURRENT. Press % threetimes.31.Save the calibration levels by first using the keys or the ADJUST control to enter data suchas the calibration date, e.g., 12/21/2004 in the ASCII area of the display. The date enteredin this manner is reported in the *idn? query. Then press $ - SAVE.4.5 CALIBRATION STORAGEThe BOP maintains the calibration tables in Flash Memory until a PACK is executed. There aresix calibration areas maintained in Flash Memory: Working, Prior, Oldest, Factory, Master, andFirst.The calibration can be copied to another area using the CAL:DUMP? and CAL:COPY com-mand. The syntax is as follows: CAL:DUMP? [source];:CAL:COPY [destination], where [source]and [destination] refer to the areas of Flash memory where calibration data is stored, designatedas: WORKing, PRIor, OLDest, FACTory, MASTer, FIRst. Source refers to the calibration areathat is to be copied, destination to the area that the calibration will be copied into.The ability to save to the FACTORY area is prohibited. If a user needs to overwrite the factorycalibration, a special firmware needs to be created to provide a special password for this capa-bility. Each customer that requests this capability will be provided a password that the companycan specify. it must contain at least one alpha, one numeric and one punctuation character