B-8 BOP-1K 111315B.20 [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPlitude] QUERY CURR?Syntax: Short Form: [SOUR:]CURR[:LEV][:IMM][:AMP]? MIN, MAXLong Form: [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPlitude]? MIN, MAXReturn Value: = digits with decimal point and Exponent, e.g., 2.71E1 for 27.1Description: Returns either the programmed value, maximum value, or minimum value of current. TheCURR? query returns the programmed value of current. Actual output current will depend on load con-ditions. The CURR?MAX query returns the maximum positive current allowed for a particular model.CURR? MIN returns minimum negative current allowed for power supply (always negative). RelatedCommands: CURR. (See example, Figure B-1.)B.21 [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:LIMit[:BOTH] COMMAND CURR:LIM[:BOTH]Syntax: Short Form: [SOUR:]CURR[:LEV]:LIM[:BOTH] Long Form: [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:LIMit[:BOTH] where is between zero and I NOMDescription: Establishes the software limit for output current, i.e., sets the maximum value of output cur-rent that the unit will be allowed to source and sink. Requires MEM:UPD (PAR. B.12) to save forpower up. See PAR. and Figure 3-16 for special programming considerations. (See Figure B-4)B.22 [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:LIMit[:BOTH]? QUERY CURR:LIM[:BOTH]?Syntax: Short Form: [SOUR:]CURR[:LEV]:LIM[:BOTH]?Long Form: [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:LIMit[:BOTH]?Returns , Description: Identifies the positive software limit, followed by the negative software limit value of output current thatthe unit can source or sink.B.23 [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:LIMit:NEG COMMAND CURR:LIM:NEGSyntax: Short Form: [SOUR:]CURR[:LEV]:LIM:NEG Long Form: [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:LIMit:NEGative Description: Establishes the negative software limit for output current, i.e., sets the maximum value of out-put current that the unit will be allowed to source (quadrant 3, Figure 1-3) or sink (quadrant 2) to thevalue specified by the user. Requires MEM:UPD (PAR. B.12) to save for power up. See PAR. Figure 3-16 for special programming considerations.B.24 [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:LIMit:NEG? QUERY CURR:LIM:NEG?Syntax: Short Form: [SOUR:]CURR[:LEV]:LIM:NEG?Long Form: [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:LIMit:NEGative?Returns Description: Identifies the negative software limit value of output current that the unit can source (quadrant 3, Fig-ure 1-3) or sink (quadrant 2).B.25 [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:LIMit:POS COMMAND CURR:LIM:POSSyntax: Short Form: [SOUR:]CURR[:LEV]:LIM:POS Long Form: [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:LIMit:POSitive where is between zero and the rated (nominal) output voltageDescription: Establishes the positive software limit for output current, i.e., sets the maximum value of out-put current that the unit will be allowed to source (quadrant 1, Figure 1-3) or sink (quadrant 4) to thevalue specified by the user. Requires MEM:UPD (PAR. B.12) to save for power up. See PAR. Figure 3-16 for special programming considerations.