B-6 BOP-1K 111315FIGURE B-3. USING LIST COMMANDS TO MEASURE SAMPLE AT START OF PULSEB.13 OUTPut[:STATe] COMMAND OUTPSyntax: Short Form: OUTP[:STAT] Long Form: OUTPut[:STATe] =(0 or OFF, 1 or ON)Description: Enables or disables the power supply output. The factory default for power-up is Local mode, theoutput is on and the front panel controls affect the unit's operation; however note that the factorydefault for power-up can be changed from the front panel (see PAR. 3.3.7). Upon entering Remotemode, the output. status is not affected.For passive loads, when OUTP OFF is executed, the programmed values of voltage and currentare saved, then voltage and current are programmed as follows: when the unit is operating as a volt-age source, voltage is programmed to zero and current protect is programmed to a low value; whenoperating as a current source, current is programmed to zero and voltage protect is programmed to alow value. When OUTP ON is executed, the power supply output is restored to the previously savedprogrammed values. The saved values of voltage and current can be viewed by VOLT? and CURR?queries.For active loads (inductive, capacitive, battery or other electronic loads) programming the appro-priate settings for mode, voltage and current is recommended instead of using the OUTP OFF com-mand. Follow the guidelines presented in Table 3-6 to understand how the unit responds to OUTPOFF. Instead of using OUTP OFF, program the unit to current mode using the FUNC:MODE com-mand, then program output current to zero. Related Commands: FUNC:MODE, OUTP?.NOTES: 1. The power supply is assumed to be operating in constant voltage mode.2. This example creates a 3 Ampere, 100mS current pulse and performs a current measurement dur-ing the first five mS of the pulse.LIST:CLE Clear list.LIST:SET:SAMPLE .0003125 Establishes the sample timing. The value was determined by dividing thesample time (0.005S) by the number of samples (16):(0.005/16 = 0.0003125).LIST:CURR 0;:LIST:DWELL .030 Establishes the list as a current list and sets dwell time for all points at 30mS.LIST:SAMPLE:CURR 16,3 Creates the sample of the waveform. The output level is 3 amperes and thenumber of samples is 16.LIST:CURR:APPL LEVEL,.095,3 Creates the initial part of the level. It is established by multiplying the timeper sample times the number of samples (16) and subtracting it from thetotal time of the pulse(100 mS):[0.1 - (0.0003125 x (16)] = 0.0950000]LIST:CURR:APPLY LEVEL,.001,0 Creates the end of the current pulse.LIST:COUNT 1 Sets the number of loops to one. NOTE: Count MUST be set to 1 whenmeasuring a sample, otherwise error -100 “command error” will result.NOTE: The following five commands execute the function:FUNC:MODE CURR Sets unit to constant current mode.CURR 0 Sets current to 0 Amperes.VOLT 10 Sets voltage to 10 Volts.OUTP ON Sets the output to ON.CURR:MODE LIST Causes the list to be executed. Note that the four prior commands ensurethat the unit is working in current mode and has its output on before thecurrent pulse is sent.MEAS:TRAN? After executing the list, this query returns the measured value of the sam-ple. For example, assuming the unit output took 5 mS to become 3Amperes, the returned value will be around 1.5 Amperes: 1.5003E0(1.5003 Amperes)