3-62 BOP HIPWR 1113153.6.4.1 KEYWORDKeywords are instructions recognized by a decoder within the BOP, referred to as a “parser.”Each keyword describes a command function; all keywords used by the BOP are listed in Figure3-18.Each keyword has a long form and a short form. For the long form the word is spelled out com-pletely (e.g. STATUS, OUTPUT, VOLTAGE, and TRIGGER are long form keywords). For theshort form only the first three or four letters of the long form are used (e.g., STAT, VOLT, OUTP,and TRIG). The rules governing short form keywords are presented in Table 3-20.You must use the rules above when using keywords. Using an arbitrary short form such asENABL for ENAB (ENABLE) or IMME for IMM (IMMEDIATE) will result in an error. Regardlessof which form chosen, you must include all the letters required by that form.To identify the short form and long form in this manual, keywords are written in upper case let-ters to represent the short form, followed by lower case letters indicating the long form (e.g.,IMMediate, EVENt, and OUTPut). The parser, however, is not sensitive to case (e.g., outp,OutP, OUTPUt, ouTPut, or OUTp are all valid). KEYWORD SEPARATORIf a command has two or more keywords, adjacent keywords must be separated by a colon (:)which acts as the keyword separator (e.g., CURR:LEV:TRIG). The colon can also act as a rootspecifier (paragraph QUERY INDICATORThe question mark (?) following a keyword is a query indicator. This changes the command intoa query. If there is more than one keyword in the command, the query indicator follows the lastkeyword. (e.g., VOLT? and MEAS:CURR?). DATASome commands require data to accompany the keyword either in the form of a numeric valueor character string. Data always follows the last keyword of a command or query (e.g.,VOLT:LEV:TRIG 14 or SOUR:VOLT? MAXTABLE 3-20. RULES GOVERNING SHORTFORM KEYWORDSIF NUMBER OF LETTERS INLONGFORM KEYWORD IS:AND FOURTH LETTERIS A VOWEL?THEN SHORT FORMCONSISTS OF: EXAMPLES4 OR FEWER (DOES NOT MATTER) ALL LONG FORM LETTERS MODE5 OR MORENO THE FIRST FOURLONG FORM LETTERS MEASure, OUTPut, EVENtYES THE FIRST THREELONG FORM LETTERS LEVel, IMMediate, ERRor