4-8 BOP-1K 111315FIGURE 4-2. CALIBRATION SETUP FOR CURRENT MODEThe sense resistor will be dissipating full rated current of the BOP. Ifit is hot to the touch, the sense resistor value, power rating and/orcooling are incorrect; refer to PAR. 4.3 and Table 4-2.20.Set the BOP to zero volts across the sense resistor (corresponding to zero current) by send-ing CAL:CURR ZERO. Send CAL:DATA commands as needed (see PAR. 4.3a) until thereading is as close to zero as possible within the limits specified in Table 4-4 for CURRENTZERO.21.Set the BOP to maximum positive output current by sending CAL:CURR MAX. Measure thecurrent by reading the voltage across the sense resistor. To adjust, send CAL:DATA com-mands as needed (see PAR. 4.3b) to adjust the BOP output until the DVM reads as close aspossible above the nominal full scale value within tolerance specified in Table 4-4 for +FULLSCALE CURRENT.22.Set the BOP to maximum negative output current by sending CAL:CURR MIN. Continue tomeasure the output current of the supply using the DVM connected to the sense resistor. Toadjust, send CAL:DATA commands as needed (see PAR. 4.3b) to adjust the BOP outputuntil the DVM reads as close as possible above (absolute value) the nominal full scale valuewithin tolerance specified in Table 4-4 for –FULL SCALE CURRENT.23.Send CAL:CPR MAX to adjust the maximum positive current protection limit of the powersupply. To adjust, send CAL:DATA commands as needed (see PAR. 4.3c) to adjust the BOPCAUTIONWIRES BETWEEN BOP OUTPUT ANDSENSE RESISTOR MUST BE RATED TOCARRY THE RATED OUTPUTCURRENT OF THE POWER SUPPLY.AWG#6 IS RECOMMENDED.WARNING