BOP HIPWR 111315 1-151.6 FEATURES1.6.1 DIGITAL CALIBRATIONThe BOP Power Supply contains no internal adjustments. Calibration is done entirely via thekeypad (or remotely via the GPIB or RS 232 interface) using digital entries and a calibratedDVM, a precision d-c reference voltage source and precision shunt resistor. Calibration instruc-tions appear on the front panel after a password is entered; previous calibration values aresaved and can be restored using the remote interface if desired. The original factory calibrationvalues can also be restored using the remote interface. (Refer to Section 4.)1.6.2 VOLTAGE/CURRENT PROTECTIONPositive and negative voltage and current protection values can be individually programmed.Refer to PAR. WAVEFORMSThe BOP models have the capability to make the output follow complex waveforms. These maybe generated either externally, using an analog reference voltage (see PAR. 1.6.6), or internally,using user-generated waveforms.Up to 16 user-generated waveforms can be stored for later use. The user selects the operatingmode, positive and negative protection levels, and a count (the number of times the waveform isto be repeated). Each waveform consists of up to 10 segments; each segment is assigned oneof six basic waveform types: square, sine, triangle, negative ramp, positive ramp and level.Depending on the waveform type, frequency, peak-to-peak amplitude, offset, and start and stopphase angle are then assigned by the user.Segments at the beginning of the waveform can be programmed to be executed only once, or tobe repeated as specified by the count. A graphic representation on the LCD shows the wave-form as segments are added and is displayed prior to execution. This feature provides uniqueversatility for generating a waveform that meets user requirements. Refer to PAR. 3.3.9 for fur-ther details.1.6.4 SAVING AND RECALLING SETTINGSThe BOP offers 99 memory locations accessible from the front panel that can be used to store aset of operating parameters for later use. For each location, the user can store operating mode,output on/off, Main channel reference type and value, and protection reference type and value.The stored settings can then be recalled to quickly program the unit to the predetermined set-ting. Refer to PAR. 3.3.8 for further details.