B-2 BOP-1K 111315B.2 NUMERICAL VALUESFor all decimal values the SCPI data parser of the BOP supports a maximum of eight digits after the decimalpoint and a maximum of four digits before the decimal point. For example: If volt 10345.2e-1 is processed, theoutput will become 34.52 volts because the unit only recognizes the first four digits preceding the decimalpoint. Sending volt 0.0000034567e6 will result in the output being set to 3.45 volts because the unit only recog-nizes the first eight digits after the decimal point.The unit can process any number between 6500.9999 and.000001. Any values greater than these are not pro-cessed by the device and a “120 - numeric data error” (see Table B-5) is generated. The largest string that canbe received or transmitted by the BOP is 253 characters. All numerical data is returned in scientific notation,digits with decimal point and Exponent, e.g., 2.71E1 for 27.1.The unit also supports keywords of MAXimum and MINImum to set the numeric entry to the most positive andnegative allowable values, respectively. For example, If the user has established the volt:limit to be 6, sendingthe command VOLT MAX causes the output to be set to 6 volts. This syntax can be very useful in the setting ofa limit, e.g., VOLT:PROT:LIM MAX sets the positive voltage protection limit to the maximum voltage (E O max +1%) and the negative voltage protection limit to (-1.01 x E Omax).B.3 ABORt COMMAND ABORSyntax: Short Form: ABOR Long Form: ABORtDescription: Cancels previously armed trigger, resets WTG. if the trigger system is armed (INIT:CONT set toOFF and INIT sent), sending ABORt disarms the trigger system so subsequent trigger commandshave no effect. If INIT:CONT ON has been programmed, this command has no effect. Related Com-mands: INIT, *TRG. (See example, Figure B-1.)B.4 CAL COMMANDS AND QUERIES CALCAL commands and queries are used to perform calibration of the unit via the control interface. Thesecommands must be issued in a specific sequence in order to properly calibrate the unit. To use thesecommands, refer to Kepco’s website (www.kepcopower.com/drivers) and download the LabWindows/CVI Version 5 driver for BOP or refer to PAR. 4.3. This file provides remote calibration capability anduses the following supported commands and queries:[SOUR:]VOLT:PROT:NEG, ? B.101, B.102 SYST:COMM:SER:ECHO, ? B.127, B.128[SOUR:]VOLT:PROT:POS, ? B.103, B.104 SYST:COMM:SER:PACE, ? B.129, B.130[SOUR:]VOLT:PROT:LIM[:BOTH], ? B.105, B.106 SYST:COMM:SER:PROM, ? B.131, B.132[SOUR:]VOLT:PROT:LIM:NEG, ? B.107, B.108 SYST:ERR? B.133[SOUR:]VOLT:PROT:LIM:POS, ? B.109, B.110 SYST:ERR:CODE? ALL? B.134, B.135[SOUR:]VOLT:TRIG B.111, B.112 SYST:KEYB, ? B.136, B.137STAT:OPER:COND? B.113 SYST:PASS:CEN B.138STAT:OPER:ENAB, ? B.114, B.115 SYST:PASS:CDIS B.139STAT:OPER[:EVEN]? B.116 SYST:PASS:NEW B.140STAT:PRES B.117 SYST:PASS:STAT B.141STAT:QUES[:EVEN]? B.118 SYST:REM, ? B.142, B.143STAT:QUES:COND? B.119 SYST:SEC:IMM B.144STAT:QUES:ENAB, ? B.120, B.121 SYST:SET, ? B.145, B.146SYST:BEEP B.122 SYST:VERS? B.147SYST:COMM:GPIB:ADDR, ? B.123, B.124 TRIG:SOUR, ? B.148, B.149SYST:COMM:SER:BAUD, ? B.125, B.126TABLE B-1. SCPI SUBSYSTEM COMMAND/QUERY INDEX (CONTINUED)COMMAND PAR. COMMAND PAR.NOTE: Commands listed above that are followed by “, ?“ have a related query.