BOP HIPWR 111315 3-13a. Use the ADJUST control to increase or decrease the main channel setting (e.g., volt-age when the unit is in voltage mode). Start with the most significant digit of the desiredvalue, then use T to highlight the next digit. For fine adjustment press the ADJUSTcontrol in while rotating the knob to modify the least significant digit.b. Enter the desired value on the keypad using the number keys. For example, to programthe BOP to 75.8V, press the following keys in order 75.8 then press ENTER. Forfine adjustment use Y, and U to modify the least significant digit. To correct the entrybefore activation press the CLEAR key to set the value to zero and start over. When thedesired value is displayed, press ENTER. This causes the new value to appear at theoutput and be applied to the load if the output is enabled.TABLE 3-4. VOLTAGE AND CURRENT PARAMETER DEFINITIONSTerm DefinitionTo modifyrefer to PAR.Local Remote+E Onom–E OnomThe nominal (rated) output voltage of the unit determined by model; e.g. fora BOP 36-28MG, ±E Onom is 36V.N/A N/A+I Onom–I OnomThe nominal (rated) output current of the unit determined by model; e.g. fora BOP 36-28MG, ±I Onom is 28A.N/A N/A+Voltage–VoltageVoltage mode only. Positive (+) and negative (–) output voltage valuesestablished by keypad or remote command.Range (+): 0 to +Voltage maxRange (–): 0 to –Voltage minB.87+Voltage max–Voltage minVoltage mode only. Maximum (positive) and minimum (maximum negative)voltage that can be set.Value (+): 0 to +E OnomValue (–): 0 to –E Onom3.3.4.1 B.89, B.90,B.91, B.93+Current Protect–Current ProtectVoltage mode only. Defines maximum (+) current and Minimum (maximumnegative) (–) that unit can source or sink.Range (+): +Current Protect min to +Current Protect maxRange (–): –Current Protect max to –Current Protect minB.29, B.30,B.35, B.33+Current Protect Max–Current Protect MinVoltage mode only. Maximum setting for +Current Protect and Minimum(maximum negative) setting for –Current Protect.Value (+): +Current Protect min to (1.01 x +Current max)Value (–): –Current Protect max to (1.01 x –Current min) B.37, B.38,B.39, B.40Minimum (box)+Current Protect Min–Current Protect MaxVoltage mode only. Minimum (positive) setting for +Current Protect andmaximum (maximum negative) setting for –Current Protect. Values of ±Cur-rent Protect between +Current Protect Min and –Current Protect Max (nearzero) are not allowed.This zone (also referred to as the minimum (box) isautomatically calculated by the BOP (see Figure 1-3).N/A N/A+Voltage Protect–Voltage ProtectCurrent mode only. Maximum positive (+) and minimum (maximumnegative) (–) voltage that can appear at the output.Range (+): +Voltage Protect min to +Voltage Protect maxRange (–): –Voltage Protect max to –Voltage Protect minB.97, B.99,B.103,B.101+Voltage Protect Max–Voltage Protect MinCurrent mode only. Maximum (positive) setting for +Voltage Protect andMinimum (maximum negative) setting for –Voltage Protect.Value (+): +Voltage Protect min to (1.01 x +Voltage max)Value (–): –Voltage Protect max to (1.01 x –Voltage min) B.105,B.106,B.109,B.107