BOP-1K 111315 B-9FIGURE B-4. SETTING LIMITSB.26 [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:LIMit:POS? QUERY CURR:LIM:POS?Syntax: Short Form: [SOUR:]CURR[:LEV]:LIM:POS?Long Form: [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:LIMit:Positive?Returns Description: Identifies the positive software limit value of output current that the unit can source (quadrant 1, Figure1-3) or sink (quadrant 4).NOTES: 1. This example assumes a BOP 36-28MG power supply is operating in constant current (CC)mode.2 Examples below are intended only to illustrate command functions. Refer to PAR. 3.5.2 for pro-gramming techniques to optimize performance.CURR:LIM? Returns 28,28 (positive and negative defaults for maxcurrent in current mode).CURR:LIMIT:POS 10;NEG 2 Establishes the maximum positive and negative current valuesthat can be set in current mode.FUNC:MODE VOLT Sets power supply in voltage mode.VOLT 15;CURR 2 Allows the power supply to provide 15 volts positive with theability to source or sink up to 2 amperes. The display shows:15.000 2.000 2.000.CURR 10 Since the BOP is operating in voltage mode, sets the currentcapability (current protect) to 10 amperes.The display shows:15.000 10.000 10.000CURR:PROT? Returns 10,10CURR:PROT:NEG 1 Limits the negative current capability to 1 ampere.CURR:PROT:LIM:NEG 5 Prevents CURR:PROT:NEG setting from exceeding5 amperesCURR:PROT? Returns 10,1 (the actual positive (10) and negative (1)protection levels for the current.---- Turn BOP power off and then on.CURR:LIM? Returns 28,28 the factory default levels (all the abovechanges have been lost). To lock in the changed limits, the usermust send :MEMORY:UPDATE LIMITS.CURR:PROT:LIM:POS 28.3;NEG 28 Establishes new max current protect limits (positive 28.3 andnegative 28.CURR 28 Establishes the positive protect to be 28 amperes and thenegative protection remains 28 amperes.CURR:PROT? returns 28,28FUNC:MODE CURR Changes the mode of operation of the power supply to currentmode.