A-6 BIT 4886 111315A.16 *TRG — TRIGGER COMMAND *TRGSyntax: *TRGDescription: Triggers the power supply to be commanded to preprogrammed values of output current andvoltage. When the trigger is armed, *TRG generates a trigger signal if TRIG:SOUR is set to BUS andthe WTG bit in Status Operational Condition register (bit 5, Table B-3) is asserted. The trigger is armedby sending a) INIT:CONT ON to continuously arm the trigger and allow subsequent *TRG commandsto generate the trigger signal or b) if INIT:CONT is set to OFF, sending INIT arms the system andallows a *TRG to generate a single trigger. If *TRG is received while the trigger is not armed, the trig-ger is not produced and no error is generated.The trigger will change the output of the power supply to the output voltage and current levels speci-fied by VOLT:TRIG and CURR:TRIG commands and clear the WTG bit in the Status Operation Condi-tion register. If INIT:CONT 1 (ON) has been issued, the trigger subsystem is immediately rearmed forsubsequent triggers, and the WTG bit is again set to 1. *TRG or GET are both addressed commands(only devices selected as listeners will execute the command). If output is set to OFF, *TRG is ignored.Related Commands: ABOR, INIT, TRIG, CURR:TRIG, VOLT:TRIG. (See example, Figure A-1. )A.17 *TST? — SELF TEST QUERY *TST?Syntax: *TST? Returned value: 7 bits coded per Table A-4.Description: Power Supply test.This query causes the power supply to do a self test and provide the controllerwith pass/fail results. A 0 is returned if the unit passes the test. If the unit fails, a number from 1through 128 is returned to indicate the cause of the error. The test executes each of the subtests evenwhen any one fails. If any test fails an error code bit is set which is returned to the user. The errorcodes returned are listed in Table A-4A.18 *WAI — WAIT-TO-CONTINUE COMMAND *WAISyntax: *WAI Response:Description: Causes the power supply to wait until all previously issued commands and queries are com-plete before executing subsequent commands or queries. This command can be used to guaran-tee sequential execution of commands and queries. When all pending operations are complete (allprevious commands have been executed, changes in output level have been completed), the WAIcommand is completed and execution of subsequent commands can continue.TABLE A-4. BUILT-IN TEST ERROR CODESTEST ACTIVE ERROR CODES MEANING*tst? DIAG:TST? BIT VALUEYes Yes 0 Pass (No error)Yes Yes 0 1 ROM errorYes Yes 1 2 RAM errorYes Yes 2 4 FLASH error -- Perform calibration to correctYes Yes 4 16 Analog Communication errorNo Yes 5 32 Loop Back Test errorNo Yes 6 64 Max Voltage Output errorNo Yes 7 128 Min Voltage Output error