3-60 BOP HIPWR 1113153.6.3.10 [SOURCE:]VOLTAGE AND [SOURCE:]CURRENT SUBSYSTEMSThese subsystems program the output voltage and current of the power supply. CALIBRATE SUBSYSTEMThe BOP series of power supplies support software calibration. A full calibration consist of avoltage calibration and a current calibration. These calibration procedures include steps thatprepare the unit for series or parallel operation. Both voltage and current calibrations consist ofa zero (performed on the main channels only) and positive and negative full scale calibrationswith both internal and external references. In addition, the external reference and variable gainare also calibrated. There are two ways to perform the calibration: locally using the front panelkeys, or remotely sending commands through the GPIB bus. These two ways cannot be com-bined.In order to enter the calibration mode the correct calibration access code (password) must beentered. If the password has been forgotten call the factory and a secret password (which hasbeen assigned to your power supply) will be provided. During the calibration, new calibrationdata is computed which is than stored in the non volatile memory.Refer to PAR. 4.2 for calibration equipment requirements.During voltage calibration, the voltage, voltage protect and voltage readback are calibrated andduring current calibration the current, current protect and current readback are calibrated. Thenormal procedure is to calibrate voltage first and then current. However, you do not have to do acomplete calibration each time. If required, you may calibrate only the voltage or the current andthen proceed to saving the calibration results. For voltage calibration all loads must be discon-nected and the sense terminals connected to the corresponding output terminals. The digitalvoltmeter will be connected to the sensing terminals (OUT S and COM S) of the power supply.For current calibration after disconnecting all loads an appropriate shunt resistor will be con-nected across output terminals and the digital voltmeter will be connected across the sense ter-minals of the shunt resistor. SYSTEM SUBSYSTEMThis subsystem controls system-level commands, including setup of the GPIB and Serial ports,error queries, front panel setup (keyboard lockout, display illumination, and audible beeps),passwords, command language, setup of device clear, line feed and reset, and restoring factorycalibration. FORGOTTEN PASSWORDSIf the password is lost, it is possible to enable the password interface by sendingSYST:PASS:CEN POWERSUPPLIEROnce enabled, the passwords can be set to the default valuesSYST:SEC:OVERRIDEThis restores the passwords to the following:Main: DEFAULTAdmin2: KEPCOAdmin1: (none assigned)