BOP-1K 111315 B-11B.31 [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:PROTect:MODE COMMAND CURR:PROT:MODESyntax: Short Form: [SOUR:]CURR[:LEV]:PROT:MODE (EXT | FIX | LESS |)Long Form: [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:PROTect:MODE (EXTernal | FIXed | LESSer |)Description: Determines how current protection limits are controlled in voltage or current mode of operation..FIXED - Allows the limits to be controlled by digital signals from either the keypad (if the unit is in localmode) or SCPI command (if the unit is in remote mode).EXTERNAL: Allows both current and voltage limits to be controlled by analog signals applied to theanalog port; limits set from the keypad or SCPI command have no effect (see PAR. 3.4.4).LESSER LIMIT: Allows protect limit to be automatically selected from either 1) the external analog limitCURRent applied to the Analog I/O port or 2) the value set from the keypad or SCPI command).Whichever limit has a lower absolute value (closest to zero) has effect.B.32 [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:PROTect:MODE? QUERY CURR:PROT:MODE?Syntax: Short Form: [SOUR:]CURR[:LEV]:PROT:MODE?Long Form: [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:PROTect:MODE?Returns FIXED, EXTERNAL or LESSDescription: Identifies how current protection limits are controlled. (See PAR. B.31 for details).B.33 [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:PROTect:NEGative COMMAND CURR:PROT:NEGSyntax: Short Form: [SOUR:]CURR[:LEV]:PROT:NEG Long Form: [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:PROTect:NEGative where is between minimum (box) value (Figure 1-3) and 1% above rated (nominal) outputcurrent.Description: Establishes the negative protection limit for current, maximum is 1% greater than rated (nominal) out-put current.B.34 [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:PROTect:NEGative? QUERY CURR:PROT:NEG?Syntax: Short Form: [SOUR:]CURR[:LEV]:PROT:NEG?Long Form: [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:PROTect:NEGative?Returns Description: Identifies the negative protection limit for current.B.35 [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:PROTect:POSitive COMMAND CURR:PROT:POSSyntax: Short Form: [SOUR:]CURR[:LEV]:PROT:POS Long Form: [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:PROTect:POSitive where is between minimum (box) value (Figure 1-3) and 1% above rated (nominal) outputcurrent.Description: Establishes the positive protection limit for current, maximum is 1% greater than rated output current.B.36 [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:PROTect:POSitive? QUERY CURR:PROT:POS?Syntax: Short Form: [SOUR:]CURR[:LEV]:PROT:POS?Long Form: [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:PROTect:POSitive?Returns Description: Identifies the positive protection limit for current.B.37 [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:PROTect:LIMit[:BOTH] COMMANDCURR:PROT:LIM[:BOTH]Syntax: Short Form: [SOUR:]CURR[:LEV]:PROT:LIM[:BOTH] Long Form: [SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel]:PROTect:LIMit:[BOTH where is between minimum (box) value (Figure 1-3) and 1% above rated (nominal) outputcurrent.Description: Establishes the maximum value possible for both the positive and negative protection limits for cur-rent. Requires MEM:UPD (PAR. B.12) to save for power up. See PAR. and Figure 3-16 forspecial programming considerations.