4-2 BOP-1K 1113154.2 TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTSTable 4-2 lists sense resistors recommended for measuring current and includes Kepco andManufacturer’s part numbers. The value of the sense resistor chosen should be known with0.001% accuracy. If other than a recommended sense resistor is to be used, it must be rated forat least 100W power dissipation (actual power dissipation will be approximately 10W). The ther-mal coefficient of the sense resistor chosen should be 10 ppm/°C or better.CURRENT,INTERNAL1. ZERO2. POSITIVE3. NEGATIVEInternal Output Current:1. 0.0A2. +Current FS3. –Current FSShort with Meas.ShuntAutomatic CM1. DVM between probeterminals of Meas.Shunt (LO towards COMS)2. Adjust for zero, posi-tive and negative FSCURRENT,PROTECTION1. POSITIVE2. NEGATIVEInternal Output Current:1. +Current FS2. -Current FSShort with Meas.ShuntAutomatic VM1. DVM between probeterminals of Meas.Shunt (LO towards COMS)2. Adjust for positive andnegative FS.CURRENT,EXTERNAL1. ZERO2. POSITIVEExternal:1. 0.0V2. +10.0V(Analog I/O Portpin 11 ref to pin 10)Output Current:1. 0.0A2. +Current FSShort with Meas.ShuntAutomatic CM1. DVM between probeterminals of Meas.Shunt (LO towards COMS).2)Adjust for zero, posFS.CURRENT,GAIN1. ZERO2. POSITIVEExternal:1. 0.0V2. +10.0V(Analog I/O Portpin 11 ref to pin 10)Output Current:1. 0.0A2. 0.0AShort with Meas.ShuntAutomatic CM1. DVM between probeterminals of Meas.Shunt (LO towards COMS)2. Adjust for zero(both Zero and Positive)EXTERNALCONTROLS,PARALLEL1. ZERO2. POSITIVEExternal:1. 0.0V2. +10.0V(Par/Ser CTRL-INPort pin3 ref. topin1)Output Current:1. 0.0A2. +Current FSShort with Meas.ShuntAutomatic CM1. DVM between probeterminals of Meas.Shunt (LO towards COMS)2. Adjust for zero, pos.FS3. Calibrate unit forSlave in ParallelEXTERNALCONTROLS,I_OUT1. ZERO2. POSITIVEINTERNAL Voltage at Par/SerCTRL-IN Port pin 6ref. to pin1:1. 0.0V2. +10.0VShort with Meas.ShuntAutomatic CM1. DVM at Par/SerCTRL-IN Port pin 6 ref.to pin 12. Adjust for zero,+10.0V3. Calibrate unit for Mas-ter in ParallelEXTERNALPROTECTION,Pos. VoltageNeg. VoltagePos. CurrentNeg. Current(together)1. ZERO2. FULL SCALEExternal:1. 0.0V2. +10.0V(Analog I/O Portpins 14, 6, 13, 5 refto pin12)N/A No requirements Automatic internalmeasurementTABLE 4-1. CALIBRATION SUMMARY (CONTINUED)Type Step Reference Type andValue Monitored Parameter Output Conditions Notes