B-14 BOP-1K 111315FIGURE B-5. USING LIST COMMANDS AND QUERIES (SHEET 1 OF 2)B.50 [SOURce:]LIST:COUNt COMMAND LIST:COUNSyntax: Short Form: LIST:COUN Long Form: LIST:COUNt> Description: Establishes how many times the list is executed. Allows user to establish how many times the listis executed. For LIST:COUN 0, the unit will execute the sequence indefinitely until a VOLT:MODEFIXED, command is received. (See example, Figure B-5.)B.51 [SOURce:]LIST:COUNt? QUERY LIST:COUN?Syntax: Short Form: LIST:COUNT? Long Form: LIST:COUNt?Return Value: Description: Identifies how many times the list will be executed. Returns value set by LIST:COUN command.(See example, Figure B-5.)NOTES: Examples below are intended only to illustrate command functions. Refer to PAR. 3.5.2 for pro-gramming techniques to optimize performance.LIST:CLEAR Initializes the list process.LIST:RES? Returns 0.000093,0.034000,nnnn (where nnnn = total number of pointsavailable).LIST:VOLT:POINTS? Returns 0.LIST:VOLT:POINTS? MAX Returns 5900.LIST:VOLT:APPLY SINE,15,10 Causes the BOP to generate points.for 15Hz sine wave, 10V p-p.LIST:VOLT:POIN? Returns 480 - indicating the unit used 480 points for the sine wave.LIST:VOLT:POIN? MAX Returns 3933 - indicating up to 3933 points can be used.LIST:DWEL:POIN? Returns 480 - indicating 480 points have been assigned dwell times.LIST:DWEL? Returns 1.38e-4 indicating the unit used138 S per division (automatically selected as the best possible dwell forthe waveform).FUNC:MODE VOLT Initializes the power supply mode to be voltage.LIST:CLEAR Initializes the list processor to add entries, clears main channel (LIST:CURRor LIST:VOLT) and LIST:DWEL data tables (Table B-2).LIST:VOLT -20,-18,-16,-14,-12,-10,-8,-6,-4,-2,0Starting at location 0 (-20), up to location 10 (0), fills the list with 11 datapoints.LIST:VOLT:POIN? Returns 11. Indicates that 11 data points have been entered, and location11 is the next location to be filled (for the 12th data point.NOTE: See PAR. B.2 for format and accuracy of all numerical data returned.LIST:QUERY? Returns 0 (pointer cleared by LIST:CLE).LIST:VOLT? Returns -20,-18,-16,-14,-12,-10,-8,-6,-4,-2,0 (the contents of locations 0through 10). (See PAR. B.2 for format and accuracy of numerical data.)LIST:VOLT 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20Adds 10 points to the list (location 11 through 20). List now has 21 points.LIST:VOLT:POIN? Returns 21 (the next location to be filled by LIST:VOLT).LIST:COUNT 100 Specifies that when VOLT:MODE LIST is issued, the user-determinedsequence will be executed 100 times. (21 steps in the list will be executed100 times)CURR 1;VOLT -20 initializes the BOP outputOUTPUT ON Turns the output on (BOP now provides -20 volts)LIST:DWELL .010 Sets the time duration for location 0 to be 0.010 Second (Since dwell timesfor the rest of the locations in the list are not entered before running the list,the dwell time will be 0.010 Second for all locations.