BOP HIPWR 111315 3- ENABLING/DISABLING AUDIBLE BEEPSFrom the power-up screen (Figure 3-3), press #, then refer to Table 3-3 and modify the settingusing the techniques described in PAR. 3.2.4). Even though audible beeps are set to off, thebeeps will still sound upon power-up or detection of a power supply fault. DISPLAYING METERS OR GRAPH (TIME LINE)The top screen can be configured to either display graphical analog meters (Figure 3-3) show-ing a coarse representation of voltage and current in addition to the digital readout, or a graphi-cal time line (Figure 3-4). The graphical time line is not an oscilloscope type display. Instead, itsamples the output and refreshes the screen at a specified interval: 75, 30, 15, 7.5, 3.8, 1.5, 0.8,0.3, 0.15, 0.08 or 0.04 Seconds. This can be useful when executing a waveform, although it isnot a substitute for monitoring the output with an oscilloscope for precision. There is no correla-tion between voltage and current graphs. For the best graphical representation choose thegraph time that is closest to, but greater than, the waveform time duration.From the power-up screen, press #, then highlight the Graphic Display setting and press !.Highlight any of the meters or one of the graph selections and press $ to save. Then press $to save for power-up or % to exit. WAVEFORM STOPOutput Off - When waveform is stopped (e.g., by pressing %), output freezes at whatever levelthe waveform was at when % was pressed, then after a brief delay output is set to STANDBY(disabled).Last Level - When waveform is stopped (e.g., by pressing %), waveform runs through fullcycle. The output stops at the last generated value of the waveform (e.g., for a sinewave seg-ment of 0° to 270°, 10V amplitude, 0V offset, when %) is pressed the output will end up at -10VCurrent lvl - When waveform is stopped (e.g., by pressing %), output freezes at whatever levelthe waveform was at when %) was pressed.3.3 LOCAL MODE OPERATIONLocal operation of the BOP power supply can be accomplished from the front panel via the 27key keypad, and the ADJUST knob. All indications are provided by the 4-inch graphical display(LCD).3.3.1 SETTING LOCAL MODEWhen the power supply is turned on, it is automatically set to Local mode. If the unit is inREMOTE mode and the display shows F1-LOCAL, pressing ! sets the unit to LOCAL mode. KEYPAD LOCKOUTTo prevent the unit from entering local mode from the front panel once remote mode has beenentered, refer to PAR. and assign a password to “Keyboard @ local.“ Then the unitwill not permit local operation until the proper password has been entered (see PAR. The # key can still be used to adjust display contrast before entering the password.If the ! key legend is “F1 - LOCAL LOCK OUT,” the keypad has been locked by the remotecommand, SYST:KEYB DIS (see PAR. B.136). To unlock the keypad, either send SYST:KEYBENAB or turn the unit off then on again.