BOP HIPWR 111315 3-333. Refer to Table 3-12 and enter the desired settings for Mode, Positive and Negative Protec-tion and Count. These settings apply to all waveform segments. (Note that the setting formode cannot be changed once it has been saved; to change the mode, create a new wave-form.) For each parameter listed in Table 3-12 use Y or U or ADJUST to highlight theparameter, then press ! to edit, change the parameter, then press $ to save or % toabort and exit.4. Refer to Table 3-11 and enter the parameters for the first segment: Type, Frequency, Ampli-tude (p-p) and Offset. For each parameter use Y or U or the encoder to highlight theparameter, then press ! to edit, change the parameter, then press $ to save or % toabort and exit.5. When segment is complete, press $ to save for power up. Continue to add segments asdesired.NOTE: When the first segment is added, start/stop angle is not accessible, however this canbe modified once the segment has been added.6. When adding a new segment, the parameters of the highlighted segment are copied. It isnot possible to move or copy a segment to another location. Refer to Table 3-11, Note 2 fordetails about initial vs. repeating segments. Refer to PAR. for a detailed example ofhow to add segments to build a complex waveform. USING SEGMENTS TO BUILD A WAVEFORMThe following steps provide detailed instructions to illustrate how a complex waveform, illus-trated in Figure 3-11, may be created by building segments. Refer to PAR. 3.2.4 for details onchanging parameters if needed.1. After observing the precautions of PAR., press @ from the power-up screen to enterthe Saved Waveforms screen (Figure 3-9), highlight a waveform designated Empty andpress @ to create a new waveform.TABLE 3-12. NEW WAVEFORM SETTINGS MENUSETTING CHOICES FUNCTIONName Alphanumeric characters(10 characters max.)(Name Assigned by User)Waveforms are assigned a number from 1 to 16. When a new waveform isprogrammed, a name must be assigned so it can be easily recognized andrecalled. Up to16 waveforms can be stored from the front panel.Mode VOLTAGECURRENTDetermines the active mode for the waveform. This setting cannot bechanged once it has been saved. To change the mode, create a new wave-form and delete the existing waveform.ProtectionPositiveNegativeAssigns the positive and negative protect levels to be in effect while the wave-form is running. These levels apply to the complementary channel. (e.g., if theMode selected is voltage, the complementary channel is the current channel.Count 0-999 Determines how many times the waveform is to be repeated, except for seg-ments marked Initial, which are only executed once. To repeat the waveformindefinitely, set the count to 0