Chapter 77-87F-7-1277.14.4.3 After Replacing the Primary Charging Assembly0014-3682imagePRESS C1 P / imagePRESS C1 / imagePRESS C1+ (Printer) / image-PRESS C1+When replacing the primary charging wire, measure the grid height of thecharging assembly before replacing to check to see that the value is the same.F-7-128[1] Places to check (reference value: 1.0mm)In case the measurement value is different, adjust the primary charging as-sembly grid following the procedures below:1) Loosen the screw [2] and release the stop.2) Loosen the 2 fixing screws [3] and then turn the adjusting screw [3] to ad-just.Reference:- When moving the front side down, turn the adjusting screw clockwise.- When moving the front side up, turn the adjusting screw counterclockwise.- 1 turn of the adjusting screw changes the grid height by 0.35mm.F-7-1293) Execute the primary charging assembly cleaning from service mode.(primary charging wire cleaning: COPIER > FUNCTION > CLEANING> WIRE-CLN)4) Select the service mode (execution of potential control: COPIER >FUNCTION > DPC > DPC) and then press [OK].5) Turn OFF/ON the main power.7.14.5 Primary Corona Grid Panel7.14.5.1 Preparation for Removing the Primary Grid Plate0013-9727imagePRESS C1 P / imagePRESS C1 / imagePRESS C1+ (Printer) / image-PRESS C1+1) Open the front cover.2) Detach the processing unit cover.3) Lift the hopper unit.4) Remove the Primary Corona Assembly. (page 7-86)Reference [Remov-ing the Primary Corona Assembly] Removing the Primary Grid Plate 0013-9728imagePRESS C1 P / imagePRESS C1 / imagePRESS C1+ (Printer) / image-PRESS C1+Hold down the grid plate mount block [2] in the direction shown by the ar-row, and then remove the primary grid plate [1].F-7-1307.14.6 Primary Corona Pad Holder7.14.6.1 Preparation for Removing the Primary CoronaPad Holder 0013-9729imagePRESS C1 P / imagePRESS C1 / imagePRESS C1+ (Printer) / image-PRESS C1+1) Open the front cover.2) Detach the processing unit cover.3) Lift the hopper unit.4) Remove the primary corona assembly. (page 7-86)Reference [Remov-ing the Primary Corona Assembly]5) Remove the primary grid plate. (page 7-87)Reference [Removing thePrimary Grid Plate] Removing the Primary Corona Assembly PadHolder 0013-9730imagePRESS C1 P / imagePRESS C1 / imagePRESS C1+ (Printer) / image-PRESS C1+1) Remove the shielding plate [1].- 2 screws [2]- 1 holder [3]F-7-1312) Pinch the hook [1] of the primary corona assembly pad holder to removethe primary corona assembly pad holder [2].F-7-132[3][4][1] [2][1][1][2][3][3][1][2][1] [2][2] [3][2][1]