Chapter 77-18F-7-19[1] Primary Transfer Roller[2] Secondary Transfer Inside Roller[3] Secondary Transfer Outside RollerDC-CON: DC ControllerHUM1: Environment SensorUN5: Pickup Driver PCB1. Primary Transfer ATVCThe primary transfer ATVC determines the primary transfer voltage in order to obtain the target transfer current at the time of the transfer.The primary transfer ATVC control has the following two control types: the full ATVC control executed by facing the developing assembly of each color to thedrum (considering the drum potential variation, and the state with the influence of the developing bias), and the partial potential control executed without facingthe developing assembly to the drum (the state without the influence of the developing bias).a. Startup ConditionFull Potential Control- At the warm-up rotation after the power is ON.- When executing the PASCAL control.- At the last rotation after passing 500 sheets.Partial Potential Control- At the warm-up rotation.b. DescriptionT-7-8Sequence Operation Description1 Apply the constant current By applying the constant current to the primary transfer roller, feedback the voltage data of the primary transferroller to the DC controller.DC-CONHV2-SUBHVT2 HVT4J3050 J3150[1][3]J1189J203J202J1188J205J201TR1_OUTTR2_OUTJ1177UN-5J1412ENV_TEMPHUM1J556J1407TEMP[2]