98Advanced GuideBasic Guide1 Camera Basics2 Auto Mode /Hybrid Auto Mode3 Other Shooting ModesTv, Av, and M Mode6 Playback Mode7 Wi-Fi Functions8 Set-Up Menu9 Accessories10 AppendixIndex4 P Mode5 Tv, Av, M, and C ModesBefore UseFinding Images Matching Specified ConditionsStill Images MoviesFind desired images quickly on a memory card full of images by filteringimage display according to your specified conditions. You can also protect(= 102) or delete (= 105) these images all at once.Rating Displays images with defined ratings (= 108).Shot Date Displays the images shot on a specific date.People Displays images with detected faces.Still image/MovieDisplays only still images or movies.Displays still images, movies, or movies shot in[ ] mode (= 37).1 Choose the first condition for imagedisplay or navigation.● Press the [ ] button, choose [ ] in themenu, press the [ ] button, and thenpress the [ ][ ] buttons to choose acondition.● If you chose [ ], press the [ ][ ]buttons to display the filtered images. Toperform an action for all of these imagestogether, press the [ ] button and go tostep 3.2 Choose the second condition andcheck the images found.● If you selected [ ], [ ] or [ ] for yourfirst condition, press the [ ][ ] buttons toselect a second condition and then turnthe [ ] dial to view the images found.● To switch to filtered image display, pressthe [ ] button and go to step 3.Touch-Screen Operations● Pinch in to switch from single-imagedisplay to index display.● To view more thumbnails per screen,pinch in again.● Drag up or down on the screen to scrollthrough displayed images.● To view fewer thumbnails per screen,spread your fingers apart.● Touch an image to choose it, and touch itagain to view it in single-image display.