28Advanced GuideBasic Guide1 Camera Basics2 Auto Mode /Hybrid Auto Mode3 Other Shooting ModesTv, Av, and M Mode6 Playback Mode7 Wi-Fi Functions8 Set-Up Menu9 Accessories10 AppendixIndex4 P Mode5 Tv, Av, M, and C ModesBefore UseShutter ButtonTo ensure that you focus on the intended subject when shooting, firstlightly press the shutter button halfway down to focus, and then press thebutton all the way down to shoot.In this manual, shutter button operations are described as pressing thebutton halfway or all the way down.1 Press halfway. (Press lightly tofocus.)● Press the shutter button halfway. Thecamera beeps twice, and frames aredisplayed around image areas in focus.2 Press all the way down. (From thehalfway position, press fully toshoot.)● The shot is taken.● Your intended subject may be out of focus if you shoot withoutinitially pressing the shutter button halfway.Power-Saving Features (Auto Power Down)As a way to conserve battery power, the camera automatically deactivatesthe screen (Display Off) and then turns itself off after a specific period ofinactivity.Power Saving in Shooting ModeThe screen is automatically deactivated after about one minute ofinactivity. In about two more minutes, the camera turns itself off. Toactivate the screen and prepare for shooting when the screen is off but the(rear) indicator lamp is still on, press the shutter button halfway (= 28).Power Saving in Playback ModeThe camera turns itself off automatically after about five minutes ofinactivity.● You can deactivate Auto Power Down and adjust the timing ofDisplay Off, if you prefer (= 140).● Power saving is not active while the camera is connected toother devices via Wi-Fi (= 115) or connected to a computer(= 159).