132Advanced GuideBasic Guide1 Camera Basics2 Auto Mode /Hybrid Auto Mode3 Other Shooting ModesTv, Av, and M Mode6 Playback Mode7 Wi-Fi Functions8 Set-Up Menu9 Accessories10 AppendixIndex4 P Mode5 Tv, Av, M, and C ModesBefore Use1 Send images.● Follow steps 1 – 2 in “Uploading Imagesto Web Services” (= 125) to choose[ ].● Once the connection is established,the images are sent. When the imageshave been sent successfully to theCANON iMAGE GATEWAY server, [ ] isdisplayed on the screen.2 Save the images to the computer.● Images are automatically saved to thecomputer when you turn it on.● [ ] is displayed in the sent images.● When sending images, you should use a fully charged batterypack or an AC adapter kit (sold separately, = 148).● Even if images were imported to the computer through a differentmethod, any images not yet sent to the computer from CANONiMAGE GATEWAY will be sent to the computer.● Sending is faster when the destination is a computer on the samenetwork as the camera, because images are sent via the accesspoint instead of CANON iMAGE GATEWAY. Note that imagesstored on a computer are sent to CANON iMAGE GATEWAY, sothe computer must be connected to the Internet.Preparing the ComputerInstall and configure the software on the destination computer.1 Install the software.● Install the software on a computerconnected to the Internet (= 158).2 Register the camera.● Windows: In the taskbar, right-click [ ],and then click [Add new camera].● Mac OS: In the menu bar, click [ ], andthen click [Add new camera].● A list of cameras linked to CANONiMAGE GATEWAY is displayed. Choosethe camera from which images are to besent.● Once the camera is registered and thecomputer is ready to receive images, theicon changes to [ ].Sending ImagesImages sent from the camera are automatically saved to the computer.If the computer that you intend to send images to is turned off, the imageswill be stored temporarily on the CANON iMAGE GATEWAY server.Stored images are regularly erased, so make sure to turn on the computerand save the images.