84Advanced GuideBasic Guide1 Camera Basics2 Auto Mode /Hybrid Auto Mode3 Other Shooting ModesTv, Av, and M Mode6 Playback Mode7 Wi-Fi Functions8 Set-Up Menu9 Accessories10 AppendixIndex4 P Mode5 Tv, Av, M, and C ModesBefore Use● After you set the shutter speed and aperture value, the exposurelevel may change if you adjust the zoom or recompose the shot.● When the ISO speed is locked, screen brightness may changedepending on your specified shutter speed or aperture value.However, screen brightness remains the same when the flash isup and the mode is set to [ ].● If ISO speed is set to [AUTO], the ISO speed setting changes tosuit the shutter speed and aperture in order to obtain a standardexposure. As a result, you may not obtain the desired exposureeffect.● The Auto Lighting Optimizer (= 64) may change the imagebrightness. Press the [ ] button in the Auto LightingOptimizer settings screen and add a [ ] to the [Disable duringman expo] option to keep the Auto Lighting Optimizer in [ ]mode fixed to [Disable].● [ ]: Manual● Calculation of standard exposure is based on the specifiedmetering method (= 62).● You can customize camera operation so that turning the [ ] dialadjusts the shutter speed and turning the [ ] dial adjusts theaperture value (= 89).● The following actions are available when the ISO speed is set to[AUTO].- Use the exposure compensation dial to adjust the exposure.- Press the [ ] button to lock the ISO speed and adjust thescreen brightness.Specific Shutter Speeds andAperture Values ([M] Mode)Still Images MoviesFollow these steps before shooting to set your preferred shutter speedand aperture value to obtain the desired exposure.For details on available shutter speeds, see “Shutter” (= 192). Aperturevalues allowed will differ depending on the lens.1 Enter [ ] mode.● Set the mode dial to [ ].2 Configure the setting.● Turn the [ ] dial to set the shutterspeed (1).● Press the [ ] button to choose aperturevalue (2) or ISO speed (3), and turn the[ ] dial to specify a value.● If the ISO speed is locked, an exposurelevel mark (5) based on your specifiedvalue is shown on the exposure levelindicator for comparison to the standardexposure level (4). If deviation from thestandard exposure level exceeds twostops, the exposure level indicator turnsinto a [ ] or [ ].● If ISO speed is set to [AUTO], pressingthe shutter button halfway will lock theISO speed and change the screenbrightness. If standard exposure cannotbe obtained with the defined shutterspeed and aperture value, the ISO speedis displayed in orange.