85Advanced GuideBasic Guide1 Camera Basics2 Auto Mode /Hybrid Auto Mode3 Other Shooting ModesTv, Av, and M Mode6 Playback Mode7 Wi-Fi Functions8 Set-Up Menu9 Accessories10 AppendixIndex4 P Mode5 Tv, Av, M, and C ModesBefore UseAdjusting the Flash OutputStill Images MoviesChoose from the three flash levels in [ ], [ ] and [ ] modes.1 Set the flash mode to [Manual flash].● Press the [ ] button and select[Flash Control] on the [ 3] tab. Choose[Built-in flash settings] and set the [FlashMode] to [Manual flash] (= 32).2 Configure the settings.● Raise the flash, press the [ ] button andimmediately turn the [ ] dial to choosethe flash level, and then press the [ ]button.● Once the setting is complete, the flashoutput level is displayed.[ ]: Minimum, [ ]: Medium, [ ]:Maximum● Flash levels can also be configured by going to the menu(= 32), choosing the [ 3] tab, selecting [Built-in flashsettings] in the [Flash Control] option, and choosing [ flashoutput].● You can also access the [Flash Control] screen (= 32) asfollows.- Press and hold the [ ] button for at least one second.- When the flash is up, press the [ ] button and immediatelypress the [ ] button.● You can also access the [Flash Control] screen (= 32) bypressing the [ ] button and touching [ ].Long (Bulb) ExposuresA bulb exposure keeps the shutter open for as long as you hold down theshutter button.1 Activate bulb shooting.● Follow steps 1 – 2 in “Specific ShutterSpeeds and Aperture Values ([M] Mode)”(= 84) and set the shutter speed to[BULB].2 Shoot.● The exposure lasts as long as the shutterbutton is pressed. The elapsed exposuretime will be displayed on the LCD monitorduring exposure.● Mount the camera on a tripod or take other measures to keep itstill and prevent camera shake. Additionally, you should turn offimage stabilization when using a tripod or other means to securethe camera (= 78).● Since bulb exposures produce more noise than usual, the imagemay look grainy. There is a way to reduce noise in long exposureswhen [Long exp. noise reduction] is set to [AUTO] or [ON](= 80).● You can also use a Remote Controller (sold separately) for bulbexposures (= 152).● If the [Touch Shutter] is set to [Enable], touching the screen willbegin the exposure. Touch the screen again to end the exposure.Be careful not to shake the camera when tapping the screen.