130Advanced GuideBasic Guide1 Camera Basics2 Auto Mode /Hybrid Auto Mode3 Other Shooting ModesTv, Av, and M Mode6 Playback Mode7 Wi-Fi Functions8 Set-Up Menu9 Accessories10 AppendixIndex4 P Mode5 Tv, Av, M, and C ModesBefore Use● You can also choose images in step 2 by pressing the [ ] buttontwice to access single-image display and then pressing the [ ][ ]buttons or turning the [ ] dial.Notes on Sending Images● Keep your fingers or other objects off the Wi-Fi antenna area(= 3). Covering this may decrease the speed of your imagetransfers.● Depending on the condition of the network you are using, it may takea long time to send movies. Be sure to keep an eye on the camerabattery level.● Up to 50 images can be sent together at once. Only one movie can besent. However, Web services may limit the number of images or lengthof movies you can send. For details, refer to the Web service you areusing.● When sending movies to smartphones, note that the supported imagequality varies depending on the smartphone. For details, refer to thesmartphone user manual.● On the screen, wireless signal strength is indicated by the followingicons.[ ] high, [ ] medium, [ ] low, [ ] weak● Sending images to Web services will take less time when resendingimages you have already sent that are still on the CANON iMAGEGATEWAY server.Image Sending OptionsYou can choose multiple images to send at once and change the imageresolution (size) before sending. Some Web services also enable you toannotate the images you send.Sending Multiple Images1 Choose [Select and send].● On the image transfer screen, press the[ ][ ] buttons to choose [Select andsend], and then press the [ ] button.2 Choose images.● Press the [ ][ ][ ][ ] buttons to choosean image to send, and then press the [ ]button to add a [ ] to the image.● To cancel selection, press the [ ] buttonagain. [ ] is no longer displayed.● Repeat this process to choose additionalimages.● After you finish choosing images, pressthe [ ] button.3 Send the images.● Press the [ ][ ] buttons or turn the [ ]dial to choose [Send], and then press the[ ] button.