156Advanced GuideBasic Guide1 Camera Basics2 Auto Mode /Hybrid Auto Mode3 Other Shooting ModesTv, Av, and M Mode6 Playback Mode7 Wi-Fi Functions8 Set-Up Menu9 Accessories10 AppendixIndex4 P Mode5 Tv, Av, M, and C ModesBefore UseOption DescriptionRatio control Define the flash output level when using wireless(multi-flash) shooting or the MR-14EX II.● The [Built-in flash settings] screen cannot be accessed when anexternal flash is attached.● On the screen, the settable functions and the display will differdepending on the Speedlite, current flash mode, flash CustomFunction settings, etc. For details on your Speedlite’s flashfunctions, refer to the instruction manual of the Speedlite (soldseparately).● With an EX-series Speedlite not compatible with flash functionsettings, only [Flash Exp. Comp] can be adjusted. ([Shuttersynchronization] can also be set with certain EX-seriesSpeedlites.)Setting External Flash Custom FunctionsFor details on the Speedlite’s Custom Functions, refer to the instructionmanual of the Speedlite (sold separately).● Press the [ ] button, select[External flash C.Fn setting] (within [FlashControl] on the [ 3] tab), and then pressthe [ ] button.● Press the [ ][ ] buttons or turn the [ ]dial to select an option, and then pressthe [ ] button. On the next screen, pressthe [ ][ ] buttons or turn the [ ] dial tochoose a setting, and then press the [ ]button to adjust it.● Set [Flash metering mode] to [1:TTL] (automatic flash metering)in [External flash C.Fn setting] to fully fire the flash when shooting.Option DescriptionFlash zoom(Flash coverage)With Speedlites that have a zooming flash head,you can set the flash coverage. Normally, set thisto [AUTO] so that the camera will automaticallyset the flash coverage to match the lens focallength.ShuttersynchronizationChange the timing of the flash and shutterrelease as follows.● [ ] will fire the flash immediately after theshutter opens.● [ ] will fire the flash immediately beforethe second curtain closes. If the shutterspeed is 1/30 second or faster, first-curtainsynchronization will be used automaticallyeven if [Second-curtain synchronization] isset.● [ ] allows you to use the flash at all shutterspeeds. This is especially effective forportraits using fill flash when you want to givepriority to the aperture setting.Flash Exp. CompThis allows you to adjust exposurecompensation when the flash fires. For details,refer to the instruction manual for the flash. Ifflash exposure compensation is defined on theSpeedlite, you cannot set it on the camera side.If it is defined on both the camera and flash, theflash’s setting overrides the camera’s.Flash outputlevelDefine the power output of the flash. For details,refer to the instruction manual for the flash. If it isdefined on both the camera and flash, the flashsetting overrides the camera setting.Flash exposurebracketingActivates FEB (Flash Exposure Bracketing),taking three shots while automatically changingthe flash output. For details, refer to theinstruction manual of your FEB-compatible flash.Flash count,Flash frequencyDefines the flash count and frequency when[Flash Mode] is set to [MULTI].