142Advanced GuideBasic Guide1 Camera Basics2 Auto Mode /Hybrid Auto Mode3 Other Shooting ModesTv, Av, and M Mode6 Playback Mode7 Wi-Fi Functions8 Set-Up Menu9 Accessories10 AppendixIndex4 P Mode5 Tv, Av, M, and C ModesBefore Use● Note the following precautions when operating the touch screen.- Since the LCD monitor is not pressure-sensitive, do not useany sharp objects such as your fingernail or a ballpoint pen, fortouch operations.- Do not use wet fingers for touch screen operations.- If the LCD monitor has any moisture or if your fingers are wet,the touch screen may not respond or incorrect operation mayoccur. In such a case, turn off the power and wipe the LCDmonitor with a cloth.- Do not attach any protective sheet (commercially available) orsticker on the LCD monitor. Doing so may reduce touch screenresponsiveness.● The touch screen may not be as responsive in [Sensitive] modewhen performing successive touch operations.Cleaning the Image SensorThe camera has a cleaning function that automatically removes dust fromthe image sensor when the power is turned on or off, or when the camerashuts off in Power Saving mode. This cleaning function can be activatedwhenever you like, or shut off entirely.Turning Auto Cleaning Off1 Access the setting screen.● After turning the camera on in shootingmode, choose [Sensor cleaning] on the[ 3] tab and press the [ ] button.● Press the [ ][ ] buttons or turn the [ ]dial to choose [Auto cleaning ], andthen press the [ ] button.Silencing Camera OperationsThe camera can be silenced when you press the shutter button halfway ortrigger the self-timer.● Choose [Beep] on the [ 3] tab and thenchoose [Off].Hiding Hints and TipsHints and tips are normally shown when you choose an option in the quicksetting menu (= 31) or shooting functions screen (= 61). If youprefer, you can deactivate this information.● Choose [Hints & Tips] on the [ 3] tab andthen choose [Off].Changing Touch Screen SettingsThe sensitivity of the touch screen can be changed to respond to a lightertouch, or not respond to touch at all.● Choose [Touch Operation] on the [ 3] taband then choose the desired setting.● Choose [Sensitive] to boost touch screensensitivity, or choose [Disable] to turntouch screen control off.