193Advanced GuideBasic Guide1 Camera Basics2 Auto Mode /Hybrid Auto Mode3 Other Shooting ModesTv, Av, and M Mode6 Playback Mode7 Wi-Fi Functions8 Set-Up Menu9 Accessories10 AppendixIndex4 P Mode5 Tv, Av, M, and C ModesBefore UsePlaybackImage displayformatsSingle image display, Single image + Info display(Basic info, shooting info, histogram, lens info,Picture Style, noise reduction, and correctiondata), image index (6/12/42/110), image rotatepossibleZoommagnification Approx. 1.5x - 10xHighlight alert Overexposed highlights blinkImage browsingmethodsSingle image, jump by 10 or 100 images, filterimages (by shooting date, by people, by movies,by stills, by rating), Scroll DisplayImage rotate ProvidedRating ProvidedMovie playback Enabled (LCD monitor, HDMI OUT) Built-inspeakerProtect images ProvidedSlideshow All images/Filter images by image searchTransition effect: Off/FadePost-processing of ImagesPossible only with images taken with the same modelCreative filtersGrainy B/W, Soft focus, Fish-eye effect, Art boldeffect, Water painting effect, Toy camera effect,Miniature effectResize ProvidedRed-EyeCorrection ProvidedServo AF ProvidedBrightnessmetering range EV 1 - 20 (at room temperature, ISO 100)Exposurecontrol Program AE for movies and manual exposureExposurecompensation ±3 stops in 1/3-stop incrementsISO speed(Recommendedexposure index)With automatic exposure: ISO 100 - 3200 (FullHD) / ISO 100 - 6400 (HD/SD) set automaticallyWith manual exposure: ISO 100 - 3200 (FullHD) / ISO 100 - 6400 (HD/SD) set automatically/manually, H (ISO 6400 (Full HD) / ISO 12800(HD/SD) equivalent) speed possibleMiniature effectmovie ProvidedSound recordingBuilt-in stereo microphoneExternal stereo microphone terminal providedAudio recording level adjustable, wind filter(for built-in microphone) provided, attenuatorprovidedGrid display Two typesLCD MonitorType TFT color, liquid-crystal monitorMonitor sizeand dotsWide, 7.7 cm (3.0 in.) (3:2) with approx. 1.04million dotsAngleadjustment ProvidedBrightnessadjustment Manual (5 levels)Interfacelanguages 25 languagesHints & Tips Displayable