69Advanced GuideBasic Guide1 Camera Basics2 Auto Mode /Hybrid Auto Mode3 Other Shooting ModesTv, Av, and M Mode6 Playback Mode7 Wi-Fi Functions8 Set-Up Menu9 Accessories10 AppendixIndex4 P Mode5 Tv, Av, M, and C ModesBefore UseShooting Range and FocusingSelecting the AF MethodStill Images MoviesYou can change the AF (autofocus) method to use as necessary for yourscene and subject.● Press the [ ] button, choose [ ] inthe menu, and then choose the desiredoption (= 32).● When the subject is dark or has no contrast, in extremely brightconditions, or with some EF and EF-S lenses, it may take longerto achieve focus, or correct focus may not be achieved. For moreinformation about lenses, refer to the Canon website.● This can also be adjusted by going to the menu (= 32) andchoosing [AF method] on the [ 2] tab.1-Point AF● Focus using a single frame. Effective for reliable focusing.● Press the shutter button halfway down. Once the scene is in focus, theframe will turn green.Saving Customized Picture StylesBasic styles like [ ] and [ ] can be adjusted to your liking andsaved for later. You can save multiple Picture Styles with different settingsfor parameters such as sharpness and contrast.1 Select a Picture Style to save.● Follow the steps in “Using Your FavoriteShades (Picture Styles)” (= 67) toselect [ ], [ ] or [ ].2 Select the base Picture Style.● Press the [ ] button.● Press the [ ][ ] buttons or turn the[ ][ ] dials to select the Picture Stylethat will serve as a base.3 Adjust the style.● Press the [ ][ ] buttons to select theitem to adjust; then, press the [ ][ ]buttons or turn the [ ][ ] dials toadjust the item.● When finished, press the [ ] button.● In step 2, you can also select styles added to the camera usingthe EOS Utility software (= 158).