36Advanced GuideBasic Guide1 Camera Basics2 Auto Mode /Hybrid Auto Mode3 Other Shooting ModesTv, Av, and M Mode6 Playback Mode7 Wi-Fi Functions8 Set-Up Menu9 Accessories10 AppendixIndex4 P Mode5 Tv, Av, M, and C ModesBefore UseRecording Movies1) Start recording.● Press the movie button. Recordingbegins, and [ Rec] is displayed with theelapsed time.● Black bars displayed on the top andbottom edges of the screen indicateimage areas not recorded.● Frames displayed around any detectedfaces indicate that they are in focus.● Once recording begins, take your fingeroff the movie button.2) Resize the subject and recomposethe shot as needed.● To resize the subject, repeat theoperations in step 3.However, note that the sound of cameraoperations will be recorded.● When you recompose shots, thefocus, brightness, and colors will beautomatically adjusted.3) Finish recording.● To stop movie recording, press the moviebutton again.● Recording will stop automatically whenthe memory card becomes full.4 Shoot.Shooting Still Images1) Focus.● Press the shutter button halfway. Thecamera beeps twice after focusing, andAF frames are displayed to indicateimage areas in focus.● If [ ] flashes on-screen, move the [ ]switch to raise the flash. It will fire whenshooting. If you prefer not to use theflash, push it down with your finger, intothe camera.2) Shoot.● Press the shutter button all the way downto shoot. In low-light conditions, the flashfires automatically when you have itraised.● The captured image will be displayed forapproximately 2 seconds on the screen.● Even while the shot is displayed, you cantake another shot by pressing the shutterbutton again.