95English3 Complete the detailed settings andclick [Next].In this window, DNS server settings can be made aswell as address information set on the [LAN setup]menu of the display.After all required items have been entered, click[Next]. Then, a confirmation window appears.Note● When [DHCP ON] is set, if the DNS serveraddress is acquired from the DHCP server, theacquired address is valid.4 Click [Submit].The settings will be registered.Note● Changing the setting of LAN while connected withLAN might disconnect the connection.■ Adjust clock pageSets the clock-related items of this unit.Click [Detailed set up] → [Adjust clock].Time zone selection fieldTime zone setting refresh buttonDisplay synchronization selection fieldParent/Child selection field for displaysynchronizationDisplay synchronization setting refresh buttonNTP synchronization selection fieldNTP server input field(When setting date and time with NTPsynchronization, enter the IP address or servername. To enter the server name, setting the DNSserver is required.)Date entry fieldTime entry fieldNTP synchronization setting and date setting refreshbuttonNote● Date and time is displayed as [- -] when they are notset.● When [Network control] is set to [On] and it is instandby mode, date and time display will be blankand they cannot be set. [Time zone], [Synchronizedisplay] and [NTP synchronization] cannot be set aswell.● When [SYNCHRONIZE DISPLAY] is set to[ON] / [CHILD], it is not possible to set [NTPSYNCHRONIZATION], [Date] or [Time].● When [NTP SYNCHRONIZATION] is set to [ON] , it isnot possible to set [Date] or [Time].● If the time becomes incorrect immediately aftersetting the correct time, contact the dealer where youbought the Display.● [NTP synchronization] operates only in power-onstate or in schedule standby state.