125EnglishUSB memorynetwork settingsUsing a USB memory device, the network setting can bemade for multiple displays.■ About the settingThe following items in [Network settings] - [LANsetup] can be set.[IP address], [Subnet mask], [Gateway],[Command port]Note● [Network settings] - [LAN setup] - [DHCP] is set to[Off].● [Network settings] - [Network control] is set to [On].● Make sure that [Network settings] - [USB memorynetwork settings] is set to [Permit].If it is set to [Prohibit], network setting cannot bemade with this function. (see page 75)● Once the network setting is done with USB memorydevice, [Network settings] - [USB memory networksettings] is set to [Prohibit].■ Supported device● Commercially available USB memory devices aresupported. (Those with security functions are notsupported. Operation is not guaranteed.)● USB memory devices other than those formatted inFAT16 or FAT32 cannot be used.● Up to 32 GB of USB memory in size are supported.● Only single partition configuration is supported.● Use a writable USB memory device.Saving the LAN setting file to theUSB memory deviceCreate the following files, and save them to the USBmemory device.File name: th-98sq1_network.shSetting ExampleTH-98SQ1_LAN_SETTINGSA: characters represent the model name. Be sure toinput as follows.TH-(inch size)(Model name)_LAN_SETTINGSA: Specifies the IP address.S: Specifies the subnet mask.G: Specifies the gateway address.P: Specify the port number to use for the commandcontrol.I: Setting this to [ON] can set individual IP addresses foreach main unit.One IP address is assigned to each main unit in therange that can be specified as an IP address.Note● Deleting the rows “S”, “G”, “P” will not overwrite thedeleted setting items. The original setting contentsare retained.● When the row “I” is deleted, it will be set to [ON]automatically.● Be sure to fill in the rows of the fixed character andIP address.● If the network setting fails with this function, an errormessage is displayed.If fails, the network setting is not changed.Be sure to confirm the file description, and insert theUSB memory device again.● This function operates only when a file with the abovefile name exists in the USB memory device.● Use one-byte alphanumeric characters to describefile contents.Copying the USB memory data to thedisplay1 Insert the USB memory device to theUSB terminal on the bottom of thedisplay.USBmemoryUSB terminal2 The [LAN setup] screen is displayedafter data copy has finished.3 Remove the USB memory device fromthe USB terminal.