47English[Colourmanagement]Adjusts the colour tone of R (red),G (green), B (blue), complementarycolours (cyan, magenta and yellow)and the intermediate colours on thescreen individually.[Off]: Disables colourmanagementfunction.[6-segment]: Enables 6-segmentcolour managementfunction.[12-segment]: Enables 12-segmentcolour managementfunction.1 Set [Colour management] to[6-segment] or [12-segment], andthen press .512-segmentColour management2.26500KGammaColour temperatureDynamic contrast2 Set each item on detail settingsscreen.00012-segment colour managementSelect colour RedHueSaturationValueReset[Select colour]Select the colour to adjust with .[Hue]Adjusts colour balance.- 127 to + 127[Saturation]Adjusts gradations of colour.- 127 to + 127[Value]Adjusts brightness of colour.- 127 to + 127[Reset]Resets to defaults. Select [Yes] withand press .● In [ENGLISH(US)] OSD language, [Hue] isdisplayed as [TINT].Note● When [6-segment] is selected, R (red), G (green), B(blue) and complementary colours (cyan, magentaand yellow) are adjusted respectively. When[12-segment] is selected, [6-segment] items and theintermediate colours can be adjusted.[Dynamiccontrast]Automatically adjusts the contrast bydetermining the changes in the useof colours for images that constantlychange, such as motion pictures.No effect ↔ Large effect[Colourenhancement]Displays images by emphasisingcolours.[Off], [Low], [Mid], [High](Small effect to Large effect)[Refineenhancer]Enhances the sense of resolution bycorrecting fuzzy outlines of picturesresulted from resizing, etc.[Off], [Low], [Mid], [High](Small effect to Large effect)[Gradationsmoother]Extracts and eliminates noisecomponents from the input videosignals, and then displays noiselesspictures.[Off], [On]