B1 SYSTEM NAVIGATION274 Installation ManualB1 SYSTEM NAVIGATIONUse either a VT100 or compatible terminal or other RS-232C terminals (ASCII Terminals) toperform System Administration, which includes the setting and changing of systemparameters. This can be a personal computer with emulation software.Keyboard UseVT100 or Compatible TerminalsWhen using a VT100 or compatible terminal, perform either of the following steps to chooseoptions from screen menus:• Move the cursor to the desired listed option and Press RETURN.• Type the number of the option desired and Press RETURN.Other RS-232C Terminals (ASCII Terminals)When using RS-232C Terminals, Type the number of the option desired and Press RETURNto choose menu options.Table B-1KEY FUNCTIONSMoves the cursor up one line.Moves the cursor down one line.Moves the cursor to the right.Moves the cursor to the left.(1)-(9) Typing any number 1 through 9 will select thecorresponding option for that number.(RETURN) Also the ENTER key. Selects the numberentered.(\) Exits the current screen and returns to theprevious step within the menu.(Back space) Used to correct any mis-typed entry.Table B-2KEY FUNCTIONS(1)-(9), then (RETURN) Typing any number 1 through 9 will selectthe corresponding option for that number.Pressing RETURN will select the numberentered.(\) Exits the current screen and returns to theprevious step within the menu.